Miriam received her B.A. from Oberlin College, with majors in Archaeological Studies and Anthropology, and a minor in Geology (2012). She spent a year on a Fulbright scholarship to Durham University, earning an M.A. with a thesis titled, "Do All Roads Really Lead to Rome? Modelling Mobility in the Ager Veientanus and the Sangro Valley, Italy". Miriam’s doctoral dissertation is an interdisciplinary project focused on the archaeology of volcanic disasters, which explores the 1995-present volcanic crisis on the Caribbean island of Montserrat. With Montserrat serving as both a contemporary case study and a point of comparison with ancient volcanic catastrophes, the dissertation explores the interplay between (post-)depositional site formation processes and social memory, temporality, and transgenerational trauma. To aid in her research, Miriam is studying for an Sc.M. in Earth Sciences at Brown University, focusing on geoarchaeology in volcanic landscapes. Miriam has conducted fieldwork around the world, including with the Joukowsky Institute-affiliated Survey and Landscape Archaeology on Montserrat, S’Urachi (Sardinia), and Uronarti Regional Archaeology (Sudan) Projects. Her laboratory and technical experience has largely focused on GIS and remote sensing, geoarchaeological techniques, and database design and management, and she has served as a GIS and paperless database specialist/consultant for various archaeological projects. Her research interests include contemporary archaeology, geology and geoarchaeology, social volcanology, GIS, paperless recording, and digital materialities.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Archaeology and the Ancient World (2021-2022); Former Doctoral Student in Archaeology and the Ancient World (Ph.D., May 2021)
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