The 12thIdentification of Dark Matter conference (IDM2018) will be held at Brown University, Providence, RI, USA from the 23rdto the 27thof July 2018. We welcome delegates from all areas of physics and astrophysics relevant to dark matter, both theoretical and experimental.
- June 17: Abstract Submission
- June 15: Deadline for Early Registration
- July 15: Payment (Online Payment Form)
- June 22: Hotel Room Special Offer (Omni Hotel) - Take advantage of this special offer (see accommodations)
- July 10: Brown Dorm Rooms - Closed
- July 23: Conference Starts
- July 27: Conference Ends
The IDM2018timetable can be viewed on Indico. All updates will be listed there. The direct link is
*Please submit titles and abstracts via Indico: Call for Abstracts To express your interest in presenting a talk or poster, please submit an abstract to the link above ("Call for Abstracts"). Payment of the conference fee is not required at the time of abstract submission.
*Conference registration will be done on Indico. Conference payments will be made here.