Identification of Dark Matter 2018, 23 - 27, July 2018 12th International Conference, Brown University

The conference is over. We would like to thank the 165 people that attended the conference from around the world that made the 5 day meeting such a fascinating meeting. We will make sure that the slides from all the talks will continue to be available. 

Latest Conference Talk Timetable on Indico

IDM2018 Conference Photograph


Each morning Monday through Friday from 8 am onwards there will be a light breakfast (and registration) just outside the MacMillan 117 Lecture Theater ( Google Map link.)  Guests at/near the Omni Hotel can use a shuttle that leaves at 7.45 am sharp every day from the Omni to the lecture theater. Those on Campus should plan to walk.

Lectures will start in MacMillian 117 at 8.30 am prompt. (Timetable on Indico) There is also a pdf map to find the auditoriums (MacMillan and Kassar-Foxboro) in the banner menu above.

Those checking into the University accommodation (Machado) or at the Omni can find details on accommodation link.

Be sure to subscribe to/visit the conference's official Twitter page for announcements and updates. When tweeting about the conference, use #idm2018brown 


The IDM2018 timetable can be viewed on Indico. All updates will be listed there.

Speakers please upload your talk via the Indico system, preferably in advance of your talk. You can also attach a laptop during the talk, but we request a copy. You can also provide a copy of the talk to a helper on their USB drive (but we would prefer you try to upload it yourself).

A map to find the auditoriums (MacMillan and Kassar-Foxboro) on Monday morning is in the banner above. A Google Map direct link is here.


Link to page with previous Registration Details and Deadlines