History of Art and Architecture

Sarah Betzer, Associate Professor, University of Virginia, Animating the Antique: Sculptural Encounters in the Age of Aesthetic Theory

Andrew Casper, Associate Professor of Art History, Miami University, Oxford, OH, The Shroud of Turin as Art, Icon, and Relic in Early Modern Italy

Melissa Kerin, Associate Professor of Art History, Washington and Lee University, BODIES OF OFFERINGS: THE MATERIALITY AND VITALITY OF TIBETAN BUDDHIST SHRINES

Sascha Scott,  Associate Professor, Syracuse University, Modern Pueblo Painting: Art, Colonization, and Aesthetic Agency


Cesar Cornejo, Associate Professor, Coordinator of Sculpture, School of Art and Art History, University of South Florida, Somber Monuments

Emily Hass, Independent Artist, no one leaves home unless

Scott Johnson, Associate Professor of Art and Art Department Chair, The Colorado College, Fissure

Sarah Oppenheimer, Independent Artist, Pivot and Slide

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