Your student can expect to receive a lot of information from our office - verbally, physically, and/or electronically. They can expect to be assumed to be not responsible for violating the Code of Student Conduct unless a hearing body determines otherwise. We try to be as transparent as possible in our processes and flexible as much as we are able without unduly prolonging the timeline. We are always available to answer any questions they have and to take their feedback about the process seriously. For cases that go to investigative reviews, members of our office all serve in different impartial roles, so your student should expect to feel respected and supported throughout. After the hearing or review meeting, no matter the outcome, our staff remains committed to your student’s development and well-being and remains available to answer questions, provide information, and connect your student to needed resources. If your student is separated from Brown following a hearing, they should expect our staff to be involved in supporting them when they return to campus.