8.11.2022 Anouncement to Department Managers and Research Administrators:

We have had a recent uptick in tickets for Workday roles that are arriving with the incorrect category type. To assist the community with which 'Workday Category' should be chosen from the ticket dropdown list, please see below:

If you are choosing 'Workday- Grant Roles' in your Workday ticket, there are only four roles that this ticket category covers:

  • Grant Manager
  • Grant Financial Analyst
  • BMRA Manager
  • BMRA Financial Analyst

If you need assistance in knowing which Workday grant roles perform which tasks- please refer to this roles reference document. 

For any/all other Workday roles, please choose: 'Workday- Security Roles' on your ticket (as this is handled by another team, not RAIS Helpdesk). 

Workday- Grant Roles only pertains to the four roles listed above. Choosing this for other types of items or role(s) may cause a delay in processing your request. 


This notice was previously distributed on the COEUS_PROPOSALS Listserv- Subscribe here

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