Learning how to conduct ethical research with human subjects is a vital part of many students’ educational experience. Often undergraduate student projects do not meet the federal definition of human subjects research, and it is important that each student project be evaluated against the following criteria:
A human subject is defined by federal regulations as “a living individual about whom an investigator conducting research obtains (1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or (2) identifiable private information.”. (45 CFR 46.102(f)(1)(2))
Federal Regulations define research as “a systematic investigation, including development, testing, and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge”.(45CFR46.102(d))
Importantly, one’s ambition to publish the results of a project in a journal does not in and of itself make the project “research.”
Undergraduate work that does not require IRB/HRPP oversight
Undergraduate projects that are designed with the objective of providing students with training about and experience with human subjects research do not require IRB review if all of the following conditions are met:
The activity is designed for learning purposes only
Results of the project are not presented outside of the classroom
Data collection procedures present only minimal risk to the subjects
Vulnerable populations (i.e. children, prisoners, cognitively impaired individuals) are not used
Data is collected in a manner such that subjects are not identifiable.
Undergraduate work that requires IRB/HRPP notification (but not a protocol)
If the intent of the undergraduate project is to present the information at Brown (e.g. in a department, school, or symposium) and it meets the following conditions, then an Undergraduate Research form must be submitted for HRPP’s review and records at [email protected].
The project is designed for the purpose of the student’s educational experience/completing a thesis
Data collection procedures present no more than minimal risk to the subjects
Vulnerable populations (i.e. children, prisoners, cognitively impaired) are not used
Data is collected in a manner such that the subjects are not identifiable or their confidentiality is protected
If the project meets these conditions, please provide The Letter of Introduction for Undergraduate Work Involving Human Subjects to all participants, which can be found on our Forms & Templates webpage.
Undergraduate work that requires a standard protocol submission
Any undergraduate project involving human subjects that falls outside of the above conditions requires a standard IRB protocol submission by filling out HRP-503 - TEMPLATE PROTOCOL or HRP-503a - TEMPLATE SBS PROTOCOL found on HRPP Huron Toolkit Library. Please note that undergraduates are not eligible to serve as Principal Investigators on IRB protocol submissions, and a faculty advisor with experience conducting human subjects research must be listed as the Principal Investigator of the study.
Responsibilities of Faculty Advisors
Faculty Advisors have the primary responsibility for ensuring that human subjects are treated ethically.
Faculty Advisors must mentor their student researchers regarding ethical principles for the protection of human subjects, which includes completion of the CITI training course (required for all undergraduates whose work does not meet the criteria in Section I above).
Faculty Advisors are responsible for reviewing and making the final determination regarding materials to be submitted to the IRB, including any survey instruments or interview questions.
Faculty advisors should contact the HRPP ([email protected] or (401) 863-3050) with any questions regarding undergraduate projects involving human subjects.