Brown University is exempt from paying or being charged sales tax in the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Tell the vendor that the sale is exempt from state tax. For your and the supplier’s convenience, the sales tax ID numbers assigned to Brown are imprinted on your Mastercard just below your name. The numbers are as follows:
Rhode Island 41
Massachusetts 050-258-809
Copies of each of these certificates of exemption may be obtained by contacting [email protected]
When ordering from suppliers outside of Rhode Island, remind them of our tax exemption. Normally, orders sent to us from out of state should not include sales tax. Check with your supplier just to make sure.
Brown is not exempt from sales tax in all states. Therefore, if you are making your purchase in person in another state, you may legitimately be charged for sales tax. Contact the Accounts Payable Office for specific information regarding sales tax exemption certificates in other states.