Handbook page

Childcare Support Policy

Policy start date: September 1, 2024

Policy end date: August 31, 2025

Policy will be reviewed before the start of each academic year to ensure that the program has sufficient funds to support it. We cannot add this expense to our annual operating budget provided by the division, so our ability to implement this policy will be determined by availability of additional funds.


Bias Incident Report

MCBGP students who experience incidents involving discriminatory behavior or harassment have several options for reporting those incidents and for obtaining support from the program leadership and from the university.  


Approved Courses

Below is a list of courses that are approved for credit in the MCB Graduate Program. Additional 2000-level courses in BIOL, NEUR, CHEM, APMA, CSCI, and PHP can be considered for credit subject to review and approval by the MCB Executive Committee.

Data Club

Updated 8/24/2023

At the MCB Data Club, held approximately once a month on Friday 3:00-4:15 pm, third-year and fourth-year students in the program give formal 30 minute presentations of their thesis research results.  Students make one Data Club presentation in the third year and one Data Club presentation in the fourth year.


Attendance at Data Club is required of all students.

Barry Jay Rosen Memorial Award

The Barry Jay Rosen Memorial Award is given periodically by the Graduate Program in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry at Brown University to a graduate student whose Ph.D. thesis demonstrates exceptional merit. The Award was established by the family and friends of Dr. Rosen (Ph.D., Brown, 1966) to commemorate him and the spirit of inquiry which characterized his work.

Travel Funding Policy

Updated 8/24/2023

Travel Funding Policy

Travel and participation in events are critical components of graduate level training both before and after the qualifying exam. We encourage MCBGP students to participate in conferences, skill building workshops, and other professional development activities. In addition to traditional travel and in-person experiences, we encourage students to take advantage of virtual events and activities that they otherwise may not have been able to access.


The final dissertation defense committee consists of the thesis advisor, three other MCB Graduate Program trainers (usually the members of the Thesis Advisory Committee), and a Reader external to Brown. The external Reader must not have a conflict of interest such as a collaborative relationship with the student or the Thesis Advisor, as determined by the Program Director.

The written thesis should represent a comprehensive summation of the student's total research effort. With this goal in mind, the document should contain the following elements:
