Become a Public Art Interpreter

Become a Public Art Interpreter


Brown University is distinguished by the character of its campus. Its landscape, architecture and its Public Art Collection form an environment that represents the culture of the University. The University’s Public Art Collection provides aesthetic, historical and intellectual value to the University environment.  


We activate this collection with student-led walking tours.  Free and open to the public, Public Art Tours will take place every Saturday and Sunday  at 1:00pm from April-November.

The University Curator is seeking members of the Brown student body to write and give public art tours.  This is a unique opportunity to research and freely interpret works of art on Brown's campus and lend your voice and fresh perspective to a 45-minute public tour.  

Participants are required to attend a workshop consisting of 6 1-hour sessions and sign up to give tours between April and November through the Public Art Tour schedule.  Enrolled students will be compensated for their time through ArtsCrew.

Interested?  Apply Here


Questions?  Email:  [email protected]