Brown University takes issues of discrimination, harassment, sexual assault and abuse very seriously and has developed comprehensive services and policies to provide support for students and to keep the University community safe.
The BWell Health Promotion website provides resources and information about interpersonal violence prevention and response. The SHARE (Sexual Harassment & Assault Resources & Education) Advocates in BWell Health Promotion are confidential resources on campus that can provide support to any student from any part of the University (undergraduate, graduate, and medical students) affected by issues or experiences related to interpersonal violence.
- Student Support Services is available to assist students with a wide-range of issues and concerns. Deans are available to meet individually with students to discuss options and connect students to appropriate resources. The office also oversees a 24 hour Administrator-on-Call system which provides crisis services for undergraduate, graduate, and medical students who may be dealing with personal or family emergencies. See Emergency Contacts.
- A compilation of information about policies and resources is available on the Title IX Office website.
Sexual Assault
Resources for Brown students include:
Sexual Assault Response Line at (401) 863-6000. The SHARE Advocates, along with CAPS clinicians, serve as on-call clinicians for the 24-hour Sexual Assault Response Line. The Sexual Assault Response Line connects students with confidential crisis support and information. The on-call counselor is also available to accompany a victim to the hospital.
The SHARE (Sexual Harassment & Assault Resources & Education) Advocates in BWell Health Promotion (401) 863-2794 are confidential resources on campus that can provide support to any student from any part of the University (undergraduate, graduate, and medical students) affected by issues or experiences related to interpersonal violence.
Brown Public Safety at (401) 863-4111 for emergency response and crime reporting.
The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards at (401) 863-3145 for filing a complaint about student conduct, and for information about support services for students who have had an incident of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
- University Health Services at (401) 863-3953 provides confidential medical care for enrolled Brown students.
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at (401) 863-3476 for confidential crisis support, follow-up appointments, and 24 hour on-call services for any Brown student dealing with sexual assault.
Sexual Harassment
The University's Title IX Complaint Process intended to provide a fair, prompt, and reliable mechanism for determining whether Brown University’s discrimination and harassment policy has been violated and, if so, to provide appropriate resolution.
Relationship Violence
Resources for Brown students include:
- BWell Health Promotion website
- The SHARE (Sexual Harassment & Assault Resources & Education) Advocates in BWell Health Promotion at (401) 863-2794 are confidential resources on campus that can provide support to any student from any part of the University (undergraduate, graduate, and medical students) affected by issues or experiences related to interpersonal violence.
- Brown Public Safety at (401) 863-4111 for emergency response and crime reporting; and
- The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards at (401) 863-3145 for filing a complaint about student conduct, and for information about support services for students who have had an incident of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
Student Conduct System
The Code of Student Conduct with respect to non-academic behavior is managed through the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards. Students may file a complaint about student conduct on line or by visiting the office in Graduate Center Tower E, 4th floor.
Students can receive immediate support and resource information. A Student Support Dean is available each day for conversations with students. During the daytime, call (401) 863-3145 or walk into the office on the 4th floor of Grad Center E; for crisis support evenings and weekends, call (401) 863-3322 to be connected with the Administrator on Call.