The goal of the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) research training program is to strengthen research training environments and promote broader participation in the biomedical research workforce by expanding the pool of well-trained scientists earning a PhD. The Initiative for Maximizing Student Development at Brown University (IMSD@Brown) provides research training support for students to significantly increase the participation within the fields of biomedical, behavioral and physical sciences. IMSD@Brown strives for Community, Collaboration, and Excellence in an innovative interactive learning environment. Participants are identified from incoming and early stage PhD cohorts spanning 22 graduate programs across the University.
Trainees receives a unique advising plan and support structure, continuing throughout their graduate career at Brown. Skill-based training modules are designed to foster academic achievement and personal success in graduate school. These training modules focus on areas such as scientific writing, demystifying the PhD experience, statistical analysis of data, and designing and delivering scientific presentations; areas that may not have been fully developed at undergraduate institutions. Modules are open to all graduate students to enhance the training environment within the entire Graduate community.
IMSD@Brown program has also established formal partnerships with several institutions to promote broader participation within the fields of biomedical, behavioral and physical sciences. IMSD@Brown is funded by grant T32GM144926 (previously R25GM083270) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health since April 2008.