The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (FERPA) affords students certain rights with regard to their respective education records. In essence, these rights are (1) the right to inspect and review education records, (2) the opportunity to challenge the contents of education records, and (3) the right to exercise some control over the disclosure of information from education records. Please see the Brown University Registrar's Office for more information about FERPA guidelines.
Disciplinary Information Request. Please use the Disciplinary Information Request form to request your disciplinary information or the disciplinary information of another person (for employers, admissions representatives, etc.). Information releases will only include cases in which a student was found responsible for a University violation with a community status of probation or greater. Typically our office releases the following information to requestors: incident date and/or hearing date, all policies violated, community status issued, and if community status and/or accompanying terms were completed.
If you have a record request form that needs to be filled out before you can attend medical school, a health professions school, law school, or be admitted into a state bar association, your academic and student conduct records must be checked. For programs in health professions including medical school, please email your forms to [email protected]. For law school or state bar associations, please email your forms to [email protected].
Consent for Release of Non-Academic Disciplinary Records (Internal Requests Only). Please use the Consent for Release of Non-Academic Disciplinary Records form to provide your consent to have your disciplinary record released to specified others. This form allows release of non-academic disciplinary records, which are considered education records, within forty-five days of receipt or for the duration designated below. The form must be fully completed and signed by the student. Records cannot be released if any section is not completed in its entirety.