3.4.22 Unauthorized Entry or Use of Space

Examples include, but are not limited to, the unauthorized entry into or occupation of any University room, building, or area of the Campus, including such entry or occupation at any unauthorized time; any unauthorized or improper use of any University property, equipment, or facilities; refusal to leave a space at the request of a University official; assisting another individual to enter a restricted area without authorization; and the unauthorized possession, use, or duplication of University keys, cards, codes, or other methods of access.

3.4.21 Theft

Theft or attempted theft of property and/or possession of stolen property. Examples include, but are not limited to, attempted or actual unauthorized use of a credit card, debit card, Student identification card, cell phone, personal identification number, University account, or personal check.

3.4.17 Property Damage

Actions that result in or can be reasonably expected to result in damage to property. This includes, but is not limited to, property owned by the University, property owned by individuals affiliated with the University, and property owned by individuals or entities not affiliated with the University.
