Guidelines for the Use of Startup and Research Funds under COVID-19
April 22, 2020
Sent to Department Chairs and Center and Institute Directors on April 20, 2020, and to all faculty and staff via Today@Brown on April 23, 2020.
Dear Department Chairs and Center and Institute Directors,
As our work has continued during the COVID-19 public health crisis, we have received many requests and inquiries regarding the use of faculty startup and research funds during this extraordinary period. I’m writing to provide you with guidelines, and ask that you share this memo with the faculty in your unit. Please contact your dean with any questions regarding these guidelines or their implementation.
In general, given the very significant operational and financial constraints the pandemic is imposing on the University, spending from startup and research funds must be limited strictly to essential functions. This limitation is effective immediately through the 2020-21 Academic Year.
We continually assess the consequences of the crisis for the University’s FY 2020 and FY 2021 budgets, and given uncertainties about the pace and impact of the pandemic and the volatility of the global economy, we need to take steps to position the University with the flexibility to address any range of scenarios. Brown must ensure that we are able to achieve our priorities, including meeting the full demonstrated financial need of all undergraduate students, providing competitive stipends for graduate students, and supporting our current workforce while trying to avoid position eliminations wherever possible and fulfilling our core mission. To accomplish this, it is essential that we stabilize the budget and preserve our financial resources. This means holding down spending across the board until the situation becomes more clear. Therefore, all nonessential spending must be limited for the time being.
Faculty are advised to adhere to the following guidelines for the use of University-funded startup and research accounts:
· Hiring: Individual startup and research funds, as well as departmental support from Grant Incentive Funds, master’s income, patent income, etc., should be used for hiring only to meet existing commitments. This includes existing commitments to multi-year postdoctoral fellowships and visiting and adjunct positions.
· Hiring review: Unless funded through external sources, all new hiring and extensions of existing contracts—including postdoctoral fellows and other research personnel—must be reviewed by the relevant dean for final approval by the provost. If approved, newly hired personnel will not be able to start before July 1, 2020.
· Purchasing: All purchases of supplies, equipment, as well as expenses such as professional society dues, subscriptions to data services, etc., must be kept to an absolute minimum and postponed whenever possible. All purchases over $500 must be approved by the relevant dean.
· Major Equipment: Purchases of major equipment should be delayed until the associated lab activities can be restarted safely, and even then, please consider whether work can be shifted to use existing shared facilities in order to defer major expenditures. Please contact the cognizant dean for any questions about major equipment purchases.
· Travel: University travel restrictions remain in place in this public health emergency. When traveling safely becomes possible, only approved categories of travel will be permitted. This will include essential academic travel, travel funded through grant or other external sources, or travel to conduct essential University business. Travel must be approved by the relevant dean.
· Startup and research funds: These funds may be used to fund regular graduate student stipends and other fees. Funds may also be used to hire undergraduate and/or graduate student research assistants provided there is an established need for the research assistance, and subject to department chair approval.
· Summer salary: Summer salary may be charged to startup/research funds if this explicit provision was stated in a hiring contract. Summer salary may only be charged during periods of time in which the faculty member is devoting effort to their Brown research.
This is a very trying time for everyone in our community, and I recognize that these parameters offer additional challenges. It is essential that at this moment of fiscal strain and fluidity, we take steps to ensure the most efficient and strategic allocation of discretionary funds.
I’m grateful for the ingenuity, resilience and generosity of spirit with which colleagues at Brown are responding to this crisis. This, combined with a disciplined approach to our operations and financial management, will position us well for the future.
Richard M. Locke