Union update to protest and related policies FAQ
March 11, 2024
In early November, we wrote to the Brown community to share answers to frequently asked questions we were receiving about Brown’s policies governing freedom of expression, including the right to protest and demonstrate. With the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and with debates and advocacy efforts continuing on our campus and others, members of our community have continued to raise questions on these topics and others.
In addition, we want to provide additional guidance related to protest activity by labor unions on campus, particularly given recent visibility about planned activism by some union leaders on campus this spring. We have developed an answer to a new frequently asked question on this topic as an addition to the original FAQs.
Today, we write to remind students, faculty and staff of these FAQs and encourage their use as a guide for understanding codes of conduct for members of our community pursuing different forms of expression in this moment. With links to the various policies, we hope the FAQs serve as a helpful resource for exploring the policies further. You can access the FAQs through our original Nov. 3 message, which is posted to the Office of the Provost website:
We will continue to communicate widely to ensure that all members of our community understand Brown’s policies and are able to make fully informed decisions. This includes our willingness to answer questions or concerns. Students should reach out to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards ([email protected]), staff should contact University Human Resources ([email protected]) and faculty should contact the Office of the Provost ([email protected]).
Francis J. Doyle, III
Eric Estes
Vice President for Campus Life and Student Services
Marie Williams
Vice President for Human Resources
If members of a labor union on campus violate Brown policies during protest and demonstrations on campus, can the University hold them accountable?
The National Labor Relations Board has stated that all employees — union or not — have the right to participate in a protected strike, picket or protest. Brown supports the right of employees to strike, picket and protest regarding work-related issues, but there are limitations and qualifications on the exercise of that right. The right to engage in these activities depends on the object or purpose of the action, its timing, and/or the conduct of those involved.
As is its right, the University expects unions and their leaders and members, when conducting protests and demonstrations advancing a political or other type of opinion on matter unrelated to their employment, to abide by Brown policies including those related to the use of University spaces. If a union-sponsored event does not comply with University rules, that union’s leadership and/or members can be held accountable for failing to follow University policies — just like every other member of our community.
Alleged violations of University codes and policies will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards for students and student organizations, and to University Human Resources for University employees. Some student employees are situationally and simultaneously accountable to multiple codes of conduct.