• Royce Fellowship



Award Year 

Reduction of Sudden Cardiac Death in High School Athletes

Sponsor: Beth Conroy

Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in high school athletes. In fact, every three to four days, a young athlete dies in the United States from sudden cardiac arrest due to a heart abnormality not detected during a pre participation physical exam (PPE), but many states lack a comprehensive, standardized, and required cardiac PPEs for athletes. Emily explored the existing literature and survey athletic trainers in Rhode Island high schools to evaluate the effectiveness of PPEs for detecting cardiovascular abnormalities. Through this analysis, Emily determined the effectiveness of the current plan and suggested changes schools and legislators could undertake to improve screening.

Emily is currently the Research Technician at Massachusetts General Hospital. Emily was previously the Research Intern at Lifespan at the Rhode Island Hospital- COBRE Center for Cancer Research and Development/