• Royce Fellowship


Health & Human Biology and Contemplative Studies

Award Year 


Jenny is a senior undergraduate studying Health & Human Biology and Contemplative Studies. She is originally from San Francisco, CA. Despite being raised with Vietnamese-Buddhist traditions, she never meditated before taking her first Contemplative Studies course in her freshman year, but has since learned that meditating is an effective mental health technique for many. After going on her first day-long retreat, she learned more about the different cultures people bring to mindfulness and the role of capitalism in its development. Unfortunately, this aspect has made certain spaces inaccessible. 

From lighthearted conversations with her friend and discussions with mentors, she is excited to explore different perspectives of what mindfulness means to both religious and secular Vietnamese immigrants in the Bay Area, partially exposed to the modern mindfulness movement whilst devoted to cultural traditions. Especially with the harsh impacts of the COVID pandemic, she is curious about the different ways her community has been upholding their mental health and whether or not these Western-adapted tools would be helpful. By working alongside her community, she hopes to bridge these Western practices with their Eastern traditions and highlight perspectives often left behind in defining mindfulness. 

Beyond this project, she enjoys being involved in the community as a Bonner Fellow, a volunteer with the Samaritans’ Suicide Hotline, and a facilitator with the Brown Meditation Community. She loves tea and coffee, taking walks, painting, reading, sharing laughs and having hours-long talks with friends and family, and of course, partaking in mindfulness practices.