• Royce Fellowship
Michelle Rome


Environmental Science/Biology

Award Year 


Faculty Sponsor: Jon Witman

Michelle determined gull foraging effects on marine invertebrate communities in Appledore Island, N.H. Her work was conducted at Shoals Marine Laboratory.

Michelle Rome Moser joined the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2008 as an environmental project manager in the Office of New Reactors where she provided technical oversight for the environmental reviews for several combined license applications for the construction and operation of new nuclear power reactors. In 2010, Michelle joined the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation where she analyzes impacts to aquatic and terrestrial resources and examines energy generation alternatives for NRC actions related to operating reactors. She is currently leading the environmental review for the SHINE construction permit application, NRC’s first application for a medical isotope production facility. Prior to joining the NRC, Michelle was an environmental analyst at ICF International, where she assisted government agencies in developing environmental impact statements. She has also conducted research on habitat size and quality in the Chesapeake Bay and the role of environmental conditions and fishing pressure on blue crabs. After Brown, she earned a master’s degree in Biological Sciences from Stanford University.