• Royce Fellowship

Award Year 

Vessel: Black Rest Space

Vessel aims to examine and propose a new structure from which Black people can represent, visualize, utilize, and hold accountable the material and immaterial remnants we leave behind. In the growing lexicon of Black theoretical study, there is a concerted effort to analyze "Black rest." Most conjecture around the topic seeks to answer if a Black body subjected to constant objectification can find a moment of rest despite systemic depersonalization. Scholarship suggests that even in death: Black people labor on, lives become material for mass consumption, Black data. Vessel leans on community and digital space to solve a seemingly impossible problem. Can a new vessel created from communal effort be a memorial, reliquary, diary, register, and rest space for Black data?

Mentor: Yeshimabeit Milner

Njari Anderson(b. 2001, Clarendon, Jamaica) is an artist and writer from West Palm Beach, FL. His work looks to define for himself, what he refers to as the "Black Quotidian," Black everyday life. He works in sculpture, new media, performance, and the written word in an effort to bricolage the nuanced, morally-complex facets of Black, Caribbean life in digital and physical spaces. He lives and works in Providence, Rhode Island, where he is a Dual Degree student studying sculpture at the Rhode Island School of Design and Modern Culture and Media at Brown University.