• Royce Fellowship


Political Science

Award Year 

Why the Right is Rising? Understanding the Sweden Democrats

Faculty Sponsor: Mark Blyth

Sarah explored the electoral gains of the the Sweden Democrats, a controversial, anti-immigration political party in Sweden. Through interviews with Swedish politicians, academics and activists, Sarah documented and analyzed the rise of far-right politics in Sweden and in Northern Europe more generally. She then created a radio broadcast that explains the rise of far-right politics in Sweden and assesses whether similar politics could gain national success in the United States.

After graduating from Brown, Sarah worked for a dude ranch in Wyoming, the Obama Campaign in Pennsylvania, and a small non-profit in DC. She is currently working as the communications manager for global engagement at Georgetown University, where she publicizes Georgetown's international initiatives by managing a Global Georgetown website, writing feature stories on faculty, student and alumni involvement overseas and updating a database that tracks Georgetown's global activities.