• Social Innovation Fellowship

Award Year 

Brown Market Shares

BMSP provides Brown community members (students and staff) with fresh, seasonal, locally-grown produce and specialty items.  A subsidized share program addresses food access issues among low-income Brown employees.  Shareholders receive produce, bread, and optional dairy and eggs in their weekly shares.  This program is profitable for farmers, who are expanding their clientele and receiving reliable income early in the season, and beneficial for shareholders who are gaining access to food that is otherwise hard to find on campus.



Personal Statement

I have been involved in BMSP for three semesters, and find it extremely rewarding.  I am studying food studies as a large part of my Brown education, and am interested in issues of food justice, security, sustainability, and - of course - deliciousness.  BMSP addresses these concerns and provides an outlet for my desire to play with and taste lots of fruits and vegetables!