• Social Innovation Fellowship
Sabina Kariat


RISD: Illustration/Literary Arts

Award Year 

The Illustration Project

Where is home to you? Los Altos

Sabina is an Illustration Major (with an Animation focus) and Literary Arts Minor at RISD. She's interested in using visual mediums to create platforms for marginalized voices and to visualize those who are often invisible, and sometimes violently erased, in mainstream media. She wants to use accessible storytelling mediums to clarify complex research or policy, increasing its access to a wider audience, especially the audience who the research is about, and who the policies affect most. 

For her project, she collaborated with an anthropologist and an activist organization in Jharkhand, India, to investigate ways of using illustration as a platform for the local stories of an indigenous Indian community, who had engaged in a long struggle for land rights. Her goal was to create an illustrative product for the community about the stories that they wanted to be told. The process evolved once she began working in Jharkhand, and resulted in drawing classes, a comics workshop, and the ongoing creation of a graphic novel.