• Social Innovation Fellowship

Award Year 

Project HEALTH Summer Institute

We created a ten-week summer program that aimed to engage Brown undergraduates in community service in Providence through Project HEALTH, a national non-profit dedicated to redefining how health care is delivered in the US.  Participants volunteered at Project HEALTH’s Family Help Desk in Hasbro Children’s Hospital, helping low-income families navigate the existing network of resources and service providers in Rhode Island. They also served in part-time internships with local community organizations and attended weekly seminars that addressed the broader social, economic and political issues that shape our families' lives.

Personal Statement

I started working with Project HEALTH freshman year without realizing that it would transform my academic and professional trajectory, and the way I perceive and understand my world. I am continuously striving to learn more about the challenges that low-income families only miles away from College Hill face in their day-to-day lives -- from obtaining food to having heat in their homes -- and to find my own role in this battle for social justice. When I'm not manning the front lines of defense against poverty and poor health, I like reading newspapers, writing for newspapers, and combining butter, sugar and flour to make delicious treats.
