Storytellers Program

The Storytellers program aims to support the Swearer Center and Brown University’s mission of service to the community. This program provides students with the opportunity to engage in ethical and responsible community storytelling of community-identified priorities in Providence and Rhode Island. There are many different mediums for telling a story. We welcome any medium the Storyteller chooses.

meet the Storytellers Program Cohorts
Opportunities for Engagement
  • A pathway through other Swearer Programs:

  • Partnership with the Brown Daily Herald (BDH)

    • ​Students engaged in the Storytellers program are eligible to be a part of the BDH as contributing writers or in staff writer roles

  • Any Brown student is eligible to become a Storyteller. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Meet our Storytellers

Maru Attwood '24
Part I: Dorcas International: Finding Homes Amidst the Affordable Housing Shortage 
Part II: The Refugee Dream Center and Creating Community in the Face of the Housing Crisis
Maru Attwood’ 24 is a History concentrator from South Africa. She writes as part of the Swearer Center’s Storytellers Series. On campus, she organizes for climate and housing justice with Sunrise and HOPE

Leanna Bai '25
Leanna Bai '25 is double concentrating in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Literary Arts. Hailing from Massachusetts, she is involved in the intersection of literature and medicine—how to tell stories in the healthcare space. In addition to being a Storyteller, she conducts structural biology research on campus, serves as an EMT, and works with health advocacy nonprofits in Providence. 

Maya Laur ’24
Miracle on (1)34th | Summer on York St.
Maya Laur ’24 is a Modern Culture and Media concentrator from Western Massachusetts, currently pursuing an Engaged Scholarship Certificate with a focus in Art as a Tool for Social Change. In Providence, she teaches Sexual Health Education, leads outdoor leadership programs, and volunteers with the Tenderloin Opera Company, a theatre company by and for currently and formerly unhoused individuals. 

Brianna Nee '26
Brianna is planning on concentrating in Public Health and/or Science, Technology, and Society on a pre-medical track. In addition to being a Storyteller, she is a Bonner fellow and Meiklejohn Peer Advisor and is involved in health advocacy and learning about health inequities. 


Interested in becoming a Storyteller or have questions? Contact Jessica Pontarelli, Assistant Director of Communications.