Past DUG Talks
- 12/8 - Erika Roldangave a talk titled "The Mutandoof Insanity."
- 9/22 - Professor TarikAougabgave a talk titled "Big Numbers."
- 9/29 - Professor Allen Wu gave a talk entitled "Stellar Structure and Nonlinear Elliptic Equations."
- 4/24 - David Lowry presented "Quadratic Functions to Modular Functions" on Wednesday
- 4/18 - Professor Michael Rosen gave a talk titled "A Beautiful but Little Known Theorem of EvaristeGalois, For more information on the life of Galois, Professor Rosen recommended "Whom the Gods Love" by Leopold Infeld. David Cox's book "Galois Theory" was also recommended for additional reading. Professor Rosen's notes are here.
- 4/16/16 - Robin Koytcheffgave his talk, "Loop Spaces, Associahedra, and Little Cubes,"
- 4/12/16 - Cliff Stollgave a talk about his glass Klein bottles. You can see (or buy) some of Cliff's work here.
- 4/7/16 - Professor TarikAougabgave a talk entitled "Building (Hyperbolic) 3-Manifolds."
- Professor Rich Schwartz gave a talk titled "The triangular bi-pyramid and power law potentials."
- 2/22 - Professor Chris Kottkegave a talk titled, “The Banach-TarskiParadox, or Why 1 = 2,” "The Pea and the Sun" by Leonard Wapnerand "The Banach-TarskiParadox" by Stan Wagon were suggested for further reading.
- 2/14 - Dan Parker and Ben LeVequegave a talk on LaTeX. Some useful references and resources for learning LaTeXcan be found on the "Links and Resources" page.
- 10/4 - YilongYang gave a talk on tournaments. His notes are here.
- Spencer Gordon and Nicholas Louriegave an intro to proofs and higher mathematics. Their notes are here.