Susanna Haziot has been awarded the Prize of the Austrian Mathematical Society (ÖMG) for her outstanding dissertation entitled "Mathematical studies of hydrodynamical currents and wave-current interactions".
The justification of the Jury reads as follows:
"Partial differential equations are crucial tools in any physicist's arsenal to uncover the inner workings of the world around us. Many interesting equations are nonlinear in nature, so that their solutions may exhibit spontaneous structure and chaos. Some of the most challenging of those equations concern the behavior of fluids, and these are precisely the objects of study of Dr. Susanna Haziot. In several innovative papers, she shows that singularities can develop from smooth conditions, just as waves break at the beach, and that particular models for ocean currents in polar regions have unique solutions. To achieve these impressive results Dr. Haziot uses a wide range of tools from nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations, bifurcation theory, and orthogonal polynomials."