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[1930] [1940] [1950] [1960] [1970] [1980] [1990] [2000] [2010] [2020] | ||
Ph.D. Recipient
Thesis Title
Sedgewick, Rose Whelan |
Approximate solutions of certain general types of boundary value problems from the standpoint of integral equations |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Jonah, Frederick Chapman |
The Green's matrix and expansion problem for systems of integro-differential equations |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Lehmer, Derrick Henry |
An extended theory of Lucas' functions |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Parker, William Vann |
The addition formulas for hyperelliptic functions |
Albert Bennett |
Krall, Harry Levern |
On some asymptotic relations for the characteristic values of the elliptic differential equations |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Moskovitz, David |
Certain irregular non-homogeneous linear difference equations |
C. Raymond Adams |
Moursund, Andrew Fleming, Jr. |
On a method of summation of Fourier series |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Smith, Aubrey Henderson |
On the summability of derived series of the Fourier-Lebesgue type |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Vehse, Charles Henry |
Acceleration stresses in a heavy wire rope |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Clarkson, James Andrew |
Part I. On definitions of bounded variation for functions of two variables |
C. Raymond Adams |
Gurney, Margaret |
Some general existence theorems for partial differential equations of hyperbolic type |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Randels, William Conrad |
Part I. On the summation of Fourier series |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Sedgewick, Charles Hill Wallace |
Generalized Lambert series |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Rosskopf, Myron Frederick |
Some inequalities for non-uniformly bounded ortho-normal polynomials, |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Astrachan, Max |
Studies in the summability of Fourier series by Norlund means |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Comfort, Edwin Gustavus Hunter |
On the preservation of Holder properties of initial conditions in the solutions of wave equations |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Dunford, Nelson |
Part I. Integration in general analysis |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Hamilton, Hugh James |
Part I. On transformations of double series |
C. Raymond Adams |
Hill, John Dillard |
Part I. Some theorems on double limits |
C. Raymond Adams Jacob David Tamarkin |
Kales, Morris Leon |
Tauberian theorems related to Borel and Abel summabillity |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Quade, Edward Schaumberg |
Part I. The category of the class Li (a, p) |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Morse, Anthony Perry |
Convergence in variation and related topics |
C. Raymond Adams |
Day, Mahlon March |
Part I. Regularity of function-to-function transformations Part II. Operations in Banach spaces |
C. Raymond Admas |
Bernstein, Dorothy Lewis |
The double Laplace integral |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
O'Brien, Katharine Elizabeth |
Some problems in interpolation by characteristic functions of linear differential systems of the fourth order |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Torrance, Esther McCormick |
Superposition of monotomic functions |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Royall, Norman Norris, Jr. |
Laplace transforms of multiply monotomic functions |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Forsythe, George Elmer |
Part I. Riesz summability methods of order r, for R(r) < 0 Part II. Cesaro summability of independent random variables |
Jacob David Tamarkin William Feller |
Eberhart, Paul |
On the summation of derived series of Fourier series and conjugate series |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Schmidt, Olaf Henrik |
On the relation between ancient mathematics and spherical astronomy |
Otto Edward Neugebauer |
Hedge, Lafayette Boyd |
Part I. Moment problem for a bounded region Part II. Transformations of multiple Fourier series |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Beesley, Edward Maurice |
Part I. Concerning total differentiability of functions of class P Part II. f-Cantorian functions and their convex moduli |
C. Raymond Adams Anthony. P. Morse |
Eberhart, Paul |
On the summation of derived series of Fourier series and conjugate series |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Schmidt, Olaf Henrik |
On the relation between ancient mathematics and spherical astronomy |
Otto Edward Neugebauer |
Diaz, Joaquin Basilio |
On a class of partial differential equations of even order |
Lipman Bers |
Munroe, MarsPeter Hall Evans |
On certain generalizations of the fundamental theorem of integral calculus |
C. Raymond Adams |
Greenberg, Herbert Julius |
The Determination of Upper and Lower Bounds for the Solution of the Dirichlet Problem |
William Prager |
Handelman, George Herman |
Part I. Some problems in the study of thin-walled plastic sections Part II. Aerodynamic pursuit curves for overhead attacks |
William Prager |
Kincaid, Wilfred MacDonald |
Part I. On non-cut sets of locally connected continua Part II. An application of orthogonal moments to prolems in statically indeterminate structures Part III. Numerical methods for finding the characteristic roots and vectors of matrices |
Peter Hall William Feller |
Protter, Murray Harold |
Generalized spherical harmonics |
Lipman Bers |
Tolsted, Elmer Beaumont |
Limiting values of subharmonic functions |
Jacob David Tamarkin |
Western, Donald Ward |
Inequalities of the Markoff and Bernstein type for integral norms |
Paul Charles Rosenbloom Jacob David Tamarkin Antoni Zygmund |
Epstein, Bernard |
A method for the solution of the Dirichlet problem for certain types of domains |
Maurice Heins |
Shu, Shien-Siu |
The method of successive approximations as applied to compressible flow problems |
Paul G. Loewner |
Wilansky, Albert |
An application of Banach linear functionals to summability |
C. Raymond Adams |
Freilich, Gerald |
On the measure of Cartesian product sets |
Herbert Federer |
Sholander, Marlow C. |
On the existenxe of the inverse operation in alternation groupoids On certain minimum problems in the theory of convex curves |
Albert Bennett C. Raymond Adams |
Arsove, Maynard G. |
Functions representable as differences of subharmonic functions |
Maurice Heins |
Moore, Edward F. |
Part I. Convexly generated k-dimensional measures Part II. Density ratios and (phi - 1)-rectifiability in n-space |
Herbert Federer |
Schmied, Robert W. |
Limiting forms of Green's functions and Harnack's inequality for multiply connected plane regions |
unknown |
Clarke, Allen B. |
On the representations of cardinal algebras by direct sums |
Bjarnu Jonsson |
Wagner, Daniel H. |
On free products of groups |
Bjarnu Jonsson Herbert Federer |
Moore, John C. |
Some applications of homology theory to homotopy problems |
George W. Whitehead |
Schatz, Joseph A. |
Representations of Banach algebras with an involution |
Charles E. Rickart |
Tompson, Robert N. |
Areas of k-dimensional nonparametric surfaces in (k + 2)-space |
Herbert Federer |
Wolk, Elliot S. |
Representations of topological algebras |
R. Creighton Buck |
Palermo, Frank P. |
Cohomology rings of product complex |
William S. Massey |
Smith, Edgar C., Jr. |
Higher degrees of distributivity and completeness in Boolean algebras |
Alfred Tarski Bjarnu Jonsson |
Slepian, Paul |
The theory of the Lebesgue area of continuous maps of 2-manifolds into n-space; The Lebesgue area of a doubled map |
Herbert Federer |
Demers, Maurice R. |
On Lebesgue area |
Herbert Federer |
Lewis, Charles J. |
The problem of Milloux for functions analytic in an open annulus |
Maurice Heins |
Stockton, Doris G. S. (Mrs.) |
Singular parabolic partial differential equations with time dependent coefficients |
Joanne Elliot |
Eisenberg, Edmund |
Aggregation of utility functions |
David Gale |
Lighthall, Harry, Jr. |
A study of a model of multi-commodity dynamic economy |
David Gale |
Malm, Donald G. |
On the cohomology ring of a sphere bundle |
William S. Massey |
Kamowitz, Herbert M. |
Cohomology groups of commutative Banach algebra |
John Wermer |
Lundell, Albert T. |
Obstruction theory of principal fiber bundles |
William S. Massey |
Mitchell, Barry M. |
Homological tic tac toe |
David Buchsbaum |
Ziemer, William P. |
Integral currents mod 2 |
Wendell H. Fleming |
Almgren, Frederick J., Jr. |
The homotopy groups of the integral cycle groups |
Herbert Federer |
Voichick, Michael |
Closed ideals and closed invariant subsplaces of analytic functions |
John Wermer |
Roberts, Howard M. |
On the dual Pontrjagin classes of a manifold |
William S. Massey |
Tyndall, William F. |
A duality theorem for a class of continuous linear programming problems |
David Gale |
Brothers, John E. |
Integral geometry in homogeneous spaces |
Herbert Federer |
Kumpel, Paul G., Jr. |
On the homotopy groups of the exceptional Lie groups |
Bruno Harris |
Ruh, Ernst A. |
On the automorphism groups of a G-structure |
Katsumi Nomizu |
On the homotopy groups of an affine algebraic hypersurface |
Theodore Frankel |
O'Neill, Bernard V., Jr. |
Parts and one-dimensional analytic spaces |
John Wermer |
Ramanuja, Srinivasa |
An application of Morse theory to certain symmetric spaces |
Theodore Frankel |
Richardson, Henry R., III |
Regression analysis when the least-squares estimate is not asymptotically efficient |
Murray Rosenblatt |
Arnold, Leslie K. |
On finite invariant measures |
Yuji Ito |
Lewowicz, Jorge |
On relative invariant sets |
Mauricio Peixoto |
Differential geometry of complex hypersurfaces |
Katsumi Nomizu |
Norvig, Torsten |
A convergence theorem for linear economic exchange models |
David Gale |
Bell, David |
Poincare series representations of automorphic forms |
Lipman Bers |
Drachman, Byron C. |
Homotopy multiplicities |
Allan H. Clark |
Jonah, David W. |
Cohomology of co-algebras |
George F. Leger |
Sutherland, William R. S. |
On optimal development programs when future utility is discounted |
David Gale |
On boundary regularity for the Plateau problem |
Wendell H. Fleming |
Point evaluations and invariant subspaces |
John Wermer |
Bounded point derivations and other topics concerning rational approximation |
Andrew Browder |
Leonard, Peter C. |
G-structures on spheres |
Bruno Harris |
Homogeneity and some curvature conditions for hypersurfaces |
Katsumi Nomizu |
Grove, Edward A. |
SO(n) actions on differentiable manifolds with vanishing first and second integral Pontrjagin classes |
Wu-Yi Hsiang |
Kiley, William T |
Automorphism groups on compact Riemann surfaces |
Robert D. M. Accola |
New techniques in deformation of complex structures |
Gabriel Stolzenberg |
Rosenberg, Alan E. |
On the semi-simplilcity of the group algebra |
Michael I. Rosen |
Generic properties of dynamical systems on open manifolds |
Mauricio Peixoto |
Relative curvature and applications to submanifolds in space firms |
Katsumi Nomizu |
Derrig, Richard A. |
C*-algebras of multipliers and operators induced by measure-preserving transformations |
Yiji Ito |
Erbacher, Joseph A. |
Isometric immersions of Riemannian manifolds into space forms |
Katsumi Nomizu |
Ernst, Lawrence R. |
A proof that C2 and T2 are distinct measures and a characterization of certain Cartesian product measure by invariance |
Herbert Federer |
Tillman, Stephen J. |
On quadratic forms over a certain class of function fields |
Michael I. Rosen |
Restricted topological entropy and its application to problems in ergodic theory |
Yuji Ito |
On the type of associate H-spaces |
Allan H. Clark |
Fraser, David F. |
Rates of convergence for a probabilistic solution to the Dirichlet problem |
Stanley Sawyer |
Slicing and intersection theory for chains associated with real analytic varieties |
Herbert Federer |
Preskenis, Kenneth J. |
Approximation on disks |
Andrew Browder |
Stodghill, Jack R. |
On the Adams operators and exterior powers of a simple Lie algebra |
Bruno Harris |
A stochastic maximum principle |
Wendell H. Fleming |
Basener, Richard F. |
On rationally convex hulls |
John Wermer |
Brandstein, Alfred G. |
Function spaces related to hypo-Dirichlet algebras |
John Wermer |
Galovich, Steven P. |
Nibs and pics |
Michael I. Rosen |
O'Connell, John M. F. |
Real parts of uniform algebras |
John Wermer |
When does the Galois group determine the field; the function field class |
Michael I. Rosen |
Geometric applicsations of critical point theory to submanifolds, complex projective space and hyperbolic space |
Katsumi Nomizu |
Chen, Chi-Cheng |
On the residues of meromorphic vector fields |
Paul Baum |
The uniform behavior of solutions of linear hyperbolic systems for large times |
Walter A. Strauss |
Cox, Lawrence H. |
One-parameter formal A-modules over p-adic integer rings |
Jonathan D. Lubin |
Capacities in uniform approximation |
Brian Cole |
Rodrigues, Lucio |
Relative tightness and the two-piece property for manifolds with boundary |
Thomas F. Banchoff |
Wolf, Joel L. |
The cohomology of homogeneous spaces and related topics |
Paul Baum |
Dippolito, Paul R. |
Quasibundles in codimension one foliations |
Robert D. MacPherson |
An approximate Taylor's theorem for R(X) |
Andrew Browder |
On the inverse problem for three-dimensional potential scattering |
Walter A. Strauss |
Mitchell, Alan R. |
Meromorphic vector fields and Atiyah characteristic classes in topology |
Paul Baum |
Geometric cohomology and homology of stratified objects |
Robert D. MacPherson |
Johnson, Kent W. |
Immersion and embedding of projective varieties |
William E. Fulton |
Kelmanson, Milton L. |
Stochastic approximation algorithms for the sequential Monte Carlo optimization of stochastic systems |
Harold J. Kushner |
Time decay of two conservative equations |
Walter A. Strauss |
Wolf, Edwin M. |
Bounded point evaluations and smoothness properties of functions in RP(X) |
Andrew Browder |
Graves, Larry K. |
Codimension one isometric immersions between Lorentz spaces |
Katsumi Nomizu |
Jones, Jeffrey P. |
Generators of the disk algebra |
John Wermer |
Hopf bifurcation in equations with infinite delays |
Harold J. Kushner |
Polansky, Paul J. |
Multi-dimensional stochastic population models |
Wendell H. Fleming |
Quart, George J. |
A fixed point formula for singular varieties |
William E. Fulton |
Young, Christopher A. |
Function rings of algebraic varieties |
Alan Landman |
Zamlong, Stuart |
The extension of Milnor's exact sequence of Witt rings for hyperelliptic curves and the co-kernel of for special hyperelliptic curves |
Michael I. Rosen |
Genus fields and class groups of number fields |
Michael I. Rosen |
Nilradicals of Witt rings of certain classes of Dedekind domain |
Michael I. Rosen |
Isometric immersions between indefinite flat spaces with parallel second fundamental forms |
Katsumi Nomizu |
Hwang-Ma, Shu-Yin |
A nilpotent generalization of the Jacobian variety of a compact Riemann surface |
Bruno Harris |
Orthogonal measures for subsets of the boundary of the ball in C2 |
John Wermer |
Shakiban, Chehrzad |
The Euler operation in the formal calculus of variation |
Wendell H. Fleming |
Stormes, James M. |
A natural transformation K * KO analogous to the Bockstein homomorphism |
Paul Baum |
Wake, Robert A. |
The Tate-Shafarevich group for an elliptic curve |
Jonathan D. Lubin |
Anderson, Stephen L. |
Green's functions, Jensen measures, and bounded point evaluations |
John Wermer |
Webs, Abelian equations, and characteristic classes |
Robert D. MacPherson |
Hansen, Johan P. |
A connectedness theorem for flagmanifolds and Grassmannians and singularities of morphisms to Pm |
William E. Fulton |
Branched coverings of projective space |
William E. Fulton |
McNertney, Louise V. (Mrs. Berard) |
One-parameter families of surfaces with constant curvature in Lorentz 3-space |
Thomas F. Banchoff |
Foldings and crimpings of algebraic varieties |
Alan Landman |
Keller, Clayton H., Jr. |
Automorphisms of stationery solutions of semilinear wave equations |
Walter A. Strauss |
Scheim, Charles H., Jr. |
Automorphisms of compact Riemann surfaces |
Robert D. M. Accola |
Theta functions and automorphisms of Riemann surfaces |
Robert D. M. Accola |
Exceptional Weierstrass points and the divisor on moduli space that they define |
Joseph Harris |
Intrinsically defined cycles in the K homology of singular curves |
Paul Baum |
Horowitz, Tony |
Varieties of low relative degree |
Joseph Harris |
Canonical Subgroups of Formal Groups of Arbitrary Dimension. |
Jonathan Lubin |
Liao, Yu-Chung |
Optimal control of a Brownian motion and its approximation to queuing process |
Wendell H. Fleming |
McGuinness, Francis Oisin |
The Cassels pairing in a family of elliptic curves |
Jonathan D. Lubin |
Richters, Stephen |
Hp spaces in tubes and the representation of tempered disributions by holomorphic functions |
Andrew Browder |
Tabak, Barbara L. |
Harmonic maps and foliations |
Bruno Harris |
Hill-Tout, Barry |
A Local Euler invariant for real algebraic singularities |
Clint G. McCrory |
Keem, Changho |
A remark on the variety of special linear systems on an algebraic curve |
Joseph Harris |
On a geometric approach to problems concerning Cauchy integrals and rational approximation |
John Wermer |
Topics in the theory of liaison of space curves |
Joseph Harris |
Optimal control and its applications to large deviation theory |
Wendell H. Fleming |
Intersection homology D-modules on hypersurfaces with isolated singularities |
Robert D. MacPherson |
Blomstrom, Carol |
Extrinsically symmetric and planar geodesic isometric immersions in pseudo-Riemannian space forms |
Katsumi Nomizu |
Prime factorization of singular moduli |
Benedict H. Gross |
Schubert varieties in the flag manifold of SO(n, C) |
Robert D. MacPherson |
Spyropoulos, Konstantine |
Certain Diophantine equations of degree three and four |
Michael I. Rosen |
A cellular description of the derived category of a stratified space |
Robert D. MacPherson |
Subgroups of generic formal groups |
Jonathan D. Lubin |
Algebras of solutions to partial differential equations |
John Wermer |
Coghlan, C. Leslie |
Tight stable mappings of surfaces |
Thomas F. Banchoff |
Identities on modular forms in several variables derivable from Hecke transformations |
Harvey Cohn (Cuny) Michael I. Rosen |
Freije, Richard M. |
Intersection formulae and volume calculations for Mumford curves |
Beneduct H. Gross |
On ample vector bundles and negative curvature |
William E. Fulton |
Higher dimensional formal groups and the formal group of the Jacobian |
Michael I. Rosen |
Moduli of abelian and K3 surfaces |
Joseph Harris |
Schwalbe, Daniel |
K-theory for discrete subgroups of the Lorentz group |
Paul Baum |
On some characteristic numbers for smooth plane curves |
William E. Fulton |
Families of Weierstrass points |
Joseph Harris |
Projective configurations and locally symmetric spaces associated to SL(n,R) |
Robert D. MacPherson |
The arithmetic of universal elliptic modular curves |
Benedict H. Gross |
Lie sphere transformations and the focal sets of hypersurfaces |
Katsumi Nomizu |
Intermediate tautness and relative tautness for submanifolds |
Thomas F. Banchoff |
Harmonic volume, symmetric products, and the Abel-Jacobi map |
Bruno Harris |
Motives of perverse sheaves |
Robert D. MacPherson |
Conformal transformations of pseudo-Riemannian Einstein manifolds |
Katsumi Nomizu |
On the Picard group of projective surfaces |
Joseph Harris |
On Lichtenbaum's conjecture in the case of number fields |
Ted C. Chinburg |
Continued fractions and real quadratic function fields |
Michael I. Rosen |
Mordell-Weil groups and elliptic K3 surfaces |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Loe, Brian J. |
Scattering by potentials of unbounded support |
Walter A. Strauss |
String structures on loop space |
Jean-Luc Brylinski |
Zamboni, Luca |
A Chern character in cyclic homology |
Jean-Luc Brylinski |
Abelian coverings of CP2 branched along configurations of real lines |
Alan Landman |
Chain level Whitney duality theorems for simplicial manifolds |
Thomas F. Banchoff |
Idempotent relations and the conjecture of Birch- and Swinnerton-Dyer |
Joseph H Silverman |
The Markoff equation and equations of Hurwitz |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Chang, Xiang-Qian |
Weighted norm equality for martingales |
Andrew Browder |
Donohoe, William A. |
Generalized Castelnuovo inequalities |
Robert D. M. Accola |
Floquet theory for linear periodic differential delay equations |
John Mallet-Paret |
The derivatives of homotopy theory |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
The existence of many periodic non-travelling solutions to the Boussinesq equation |
Walter Craig |
Lieman, Daniel Bennett |
Automorphic forms and cubic twists of elliptic curves |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Shu, Linghsueh |
Cyclotomic type theorems over global function fields |
Michael I. Rosen |
The Taylor tower of the stable homotopy of the mapping spaces |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
Cai, Hongsheng |
Dispersive smoothing effects for generalized and high order KdV type Equations |
Walter Craig |
Vertex-minimal simplicial immersion of surfaces into three-space |
Thomas F. Banchoff |
Descent via 3-isogenies on elliptic curves |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Chua, Seng-Kiat |
Arithmetic of etale quotient varieties |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Boundary problems for the Vlasov-Maxwell system |
Walter A. Strauss |
Lee, Chaujun Isaac |
Generalized affine rotation surfaces |
Katsumi Namizu |
Lim, Nancy Lee |
The Lp Dirichlet problem for second order elliptic operators with nonsmooth coefficients |
Jill C. Pipher |
Fixed point problems, equivariant stable homotopy, and a trace map for the algebraic K-theory of a point |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
The stability theorem for smooth concordance imbeddings |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
Kummer theory for Lubin-Tate groups |
Michael I. Rosen |
Weierstrass points on cyclic covers of the projective line |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Two Topics on the Equations of Solid Mechanics: The Incompressible Limit in Nonlinear Elasticity and Conservations Laws in Fibre-Reinforced Materials |
Constantine Dafermos |
Gorman, John Rober |
L-Functions of Orders at Zero |
Stephen Lichtenbaum |
Hsia, Liang-chung |
A weak Neron model with applications to p-adic dynamical systems |
Joseph H. Silverman |
p-adic dynamical systems |
Michael I. Rosen |
Instability of Solutions for Generalized Boussinesq Equations |
Walter A. Strauss |
Pagano, Andrea |
Analyticity of Bergman Isometries |
Kang-Tae Kim] |
Tsalidis, Stavros |
The equivariant structure of topological Hochschild homology and the topological cyclic homology of the integers |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
Archimedean Height Pairing |
Bruno Harris |
Average Value of Quadratic Twists of L-Functions over Function Fields |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Geloneze-Neto, Antonio |
Cusp Parity and Generalized Riemann-Hurwitz Formulas for Simplicial Maps |
Thomas F. Banchoff |
A Study of Strongly Tight Uniform Algebras |
Brian Cole |
On the Nonvanishing of Cubic Twists of Automorphic L-Series |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Approximation Problems For Singularity Sets |
John Wermer |
Li, Chao-Qun |
Zp-Extensions of Function Fields over Finite Fields |
Michael I. Rosen |
Menochi, Gisele Maria Vecchi |
Average Value of Class Numbers in Cyclic Extensions of F(T) |
Michael I. Rosen |
Mixed Motives of Schemes |
Stephen Lichtenbaum |
Stability and Asymptotic Behavior of Higher Order Nonlinear Waves |
Walter Strauss |
Luo, Chenghui |
Numerical Invariants and Classification of Smooth and Polygonal Plane Curve |
Thomas F. Banchoff |
On the Variation of Root Numbers of Families of Elliptic Curves |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Whittlesey, Marshall |
Analytic structure in polynomial hulls and singularity sets |
John Wermer |
On a connected sum construction for complete minimal surfaces of finite total curvature |
Nicolaos Kapouleas |
Fatou Components in p-adic Dynamics |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Chin, Bing |
Stabilization of a Sequence of Images |
Donald McClure |
A bitangency theorem for surfaces in Euclidean four-space |
Thomas Banchoff |
On the Fontaine-Mazur Conjecture for Number Fields and an Analogue for Function Fields |
Michael Rosen |
Hukovic, Sanja |
Bellman Functions and Singular Integrals in Weighted Spaces |
Jill Pipher |
Canonical Heights in Characteristic p |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Gain of Regularity for Nonlinear Dispersive Equations in Two Spatial Dimensions |
Walter Strauss |
Applications of the double Dirichlet series to quartic twists |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Local Hardy Spaces and Non-Linear Quantities Arising in the Theory of Compensated Compactness |
Jill Pipher |
Cohen-Lenstra Heuristics and the Spiegelungssatz |
Michael Rosen |
Hopf Algebra Structure of Generalized Scissors Congruence Groups |
Alexander Goncharov |
Milnor K-theory and Zero-Cycles on Algebraic Varieties |
Stephen Lichtenbaum |
Fridman, Artur |
Mixed Markov Fields |
David Mumford |
Getachew, Selemon |
Galois Theory of Polynomial Iterates |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Height Uniformity for Algebraic and Integral Points on Curves |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Lepsky, Olga |
High Order Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi Equations and Approximations to Solutions of Stationary Boundary |
Chi-Wang Shu |
LP Estimates for Multilinear Operators Given by Singular Symbols |
Jill Pipher |
Investigations into Gross' Generalized Class Number Formula and the p-adic Stark Conjecture |
Michael Rosen |
Dynamical Systems and Formal Groups |
Jonathan Lubin |
Wazir, Rania |
Arithmetic on Elliptic Threefolds |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Minimal Weierstrasse Equations for Elliptic Curves Over Global Fields |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Rayleigh-Taylor Instability and Regularity for the Vlasov System |
Yan Guo |
Soule, Steve Thomas |
Branched Extensions of Codimemsion One Maps |
Thomas Banchoff |
Vassilakis, Theodore |
On A Conjecture of Bando-Siu |
Georgios Daskalopoulos |
Analytic Continuation for Cubic Multiple Dirichlet Series |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Framed Mixed Hodge Structures Associated to Iterated Integrals and Strong Suslin Reciprocity Laws on Curves |
Alexander Goncharov |
Stability and Instability of Equilibria in Collisionless Plasmas and Ideal Plane Flows |
Walter Strauss |
Munson, Brian Andrew |
Embeddings in the 3/4 Range |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
The Structure of the Class Group in Global Function Fields |
Michael I. Rosen |
Finite Type Knot Invariants and Calculus of Functors |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
Hyperbolic Systems of Balance Laws via Vanishing Viscosity |
Constantine Dafermos |
Euler characteristics of arithmetic groups |
Alexander Goncharov Stephen Lichtenbaum |
Nonlinear Waves with Sign-changing Potentials |
Walter Strauss |
Measuring Shape Space: E-entropy, Adaptive Coding and Two-dimensional Shape |
David Mumford |
Multiple polylogarithm motives and moduli spaces Mo, n |
Alexander Goncharov Stephen Lichtenbaum |
Acquista, Karen Elisa |
A generation of class field theory using motivic complexes |
Stephen Lichtenbaum |
Galois Martingales and the Hyperbole Subset of the p-adic Mandelbrot Set |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Rational Points on the E6 Cubic Surface |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Lauzon, Michael Peter |
Harmonic analysis for vector-valued functions |
Sergei Treil |
Rational Homotopy Calculus of Functors |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
Analytic Projections, The Geometry of Holomorphic Vector Bundles and Applications to the Corona Problem |
Sergei Treil |
On the Simultaneous Nonvanishing of Quadratic Twists of GL(2) L-series Over the Rational Function Field |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in Learning Theory |
Jill Pipher |
Steady Water Waves with Vorticity |
Walter Strauss |
Jiang, Yongbin |
Weil-tale topology over local rings |
Stephen Lichtenbaum |
An analytic Stratification of the Space of Higgs |
Georgios Daskalopoulos |
High order well-balance numerical schemes for hyperbolic systems with source terms |
Chi-Wang Shu |
Analysis of some nonlinear dispersive waves in a compressible hyperelastic plate |
Walter Strauss |
Arithmetic Dynamics on Varieties of Dimension Greater than 1 |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Diffusive Expansion in Kinetic Theory and Dynamics of Gaseous |
Yan Guo |
Cluster ensembles of Type An and the Canonical Map for Configuration Spaces |
Alexander Goncharov |
Arithmetic Dynamics of Rational Maps |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Similarity of Operators and Geometry of Eigenvector Bundles |
Sergei Treil |
Miller, Stephen Francis |
The Calculus of Equivariant Spectra and a Classification of Degree 2 Endofunctors |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
Elliptic Nets and Elliptic Curves |
Joseph H. Siilverman |
The genus zero Gromov-Witten invariants of [Sym2 P2] and the enumerative geometry of hyperelliptic curves in P2 |
Dan Abramovich |
Vojta’s Conjecture and Blowups |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Sumfree Subsets in Cubes of Arbitrary Dimension |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Singular Integrals and Rank One Perturbations |
Sergei Treil |
Perturbation Theorems for Hele-Shaw Flows and Their Applications |
Govind Menon |
Park, Donghoon |
1-Motives with Torsion and Cartier Duality |
Stephen Lichtenbaum |
Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Large Initial Data. Is the Cauchy Problem Well-Posed? BV Estimates for the P-System. |
Constantine Dafermos |
Extending Grothendieck Topologies to diagram categories and Serre functors on diagam schemes |
Dan Abramovich |
Height Estimates for Rational Maps |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Salikhov, Konstantin |
Multiple Points of Immersions |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
Linear Instability of Nonmonotone Super Heated Plasmas |
Walter Strauss |
Logarithmic Stable Maps to Deligne - Faltings Paris |
Dan Abramovich |
Scaling Windows of Dimer Models |
Richard Kenyon |
Birational Models from Rational Normal Curves |
Dan Abramovich |
Gokturk, Ali |
Comparison of Teichmuller Geodesics and Weil-Peterson Geodesics |
Jeffrey Brock |
Initial Boundry Value Problem of the Boltzmann Equation |
Yan Guo |
Vertex Models Ising Models and Fisher Graph |
Richard Kenyon |
Ma, Xiaomin |
Discrepancy of Point Distributionin Two Dimensions and Appication of Quasi-Monte Carlo Method in Intehral Estimation |
Jill Pipher |
Spaces of Stable Maps, Evaluation Spaces, and Polynomial Families of Tautological Classes |
Dan Abramovich |
Parameter Spaces of Power Series in Finite Characteristic |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Xiao, Xiao |
Geometric-Arithmetic Averaging of Dyadic Weights, and Multi-Parametre Harmonic Analysis |
Jill Pipher |
Maximum-Princile-Satifying and Positivity-Preserving High Order Schemes for Conservation Laws |
Chi-Wang Shu |
Lin, Quahui |
On the Interactions of Dispersive Modes and Solition Dynamics |
Justin Holmer |
On the Independence of Heegner Points |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Isometries on CAT (0) Spaces, Interation of Mapping Classes and Weil-Peterson Geometry |
Jeffrey Brock |
P-Adic Analogues of the Mandelbrot Set |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Cutting Sequences on Translation Surfaces |
Richard Schwartz |
Nonliniar Schoedinger Equations with Potentials |
Justin Holmer |
Triple Shifted Sums of Automorphic L-Functions |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Multiple Dirchlet Series Associated to Prehomogeneous Spaces and the Relation with GL (3) Eisenstein Series |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Double MV Cycles, Affine PBW Bases, and Crystal Combinatorics |
Alexander Braverman |
The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves in Towers of Number Fields |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Spectral Theory and Shifted Convolution Sums in Analytic Number Theory |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Kuan, Chan Ieong |
Hybrid Bounds on Twisted L-functions Associated to Modular Forms |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Leshin, Jonah |
Class Field Towers, Solvable Galois Representations and Noether's Problem in Galois Theory |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Cohomology of Topology Groups and Grothendieck Topologies |
Stephen Lichtenbaum |
Logarithmic Stable Maps with Torus Actions |
Dan Abramovich |
Tiling by Bars |
Richard Kenyon |
Large-Amplitude Solitary Water Waves with Vorticity and Surface Pressure |
Walter Strauss |
Wiygul, David |
Doubling Constructions with Asymmetric Sides |
Nicolaos Kapouleas |
A frameworkk for Calderon-Zygmund singular integral operators on spaces of homogeneous type |
Jill Pipher |
Belulovich, Thomas |
Absolute Homotopy Limits |
Thomas G. Goodwillie |
Galois uniformity in airthmetic dinamics |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Lai, Jingguo |
Two weight problems and Bellman functions on filtered probability spaces |
Sergei Treil |
Ma, Ningning |
Tropicalization of the Dimer model |
Richard Kenyon |
Weighted compa ctifications of configuration spaces |
Dan Abramovich |
Weil-Etale Cohomology and Special Values of L-Functions of 1-Motives |
Stephen Lichtenbaum |
Tropical geometry of logarithmic schemes |
Dan Abramovich |
Winter, Dale |
Mixing properties of flows on geometrically finite hyperbolic manifolds |
Hee Oh |
Height functions and the specialization map for families of elliptic curves |
Joseph H. Silverman |
Fast Pulses with Oscillatory Tails in the FitzHugh--Nagumo System |
Bjorn Sandstede |
Weighted estimates of Calderon-Zygmund operators on vector-valued function spaces |
Sergei Treil |
Newkirk, Edward |
Billiards with Bombs |
Richard Schwartz |
Multi-parameter commutators and new function spaces of bounded mean oscillation |
Jill Pipher |
Higher Dimensional Birational Geometry: Moduli and Arithmetic |
Dan Abramovich |
Chen, Xiaoshuang |
Duality Theorems and Special Value of Artin L-functions at Zero |
Stephen Lichtenbaum |
The Loewner Equation with Branching and the Continuum Random Tree |
Govin Menon |
Kim, Semin |
Harmonic Maps and the Moduli of Higgs Bundles |
George Daskalopoulos |
Le, Quang Nhat |
A Family of Projective Natural Polygon Iterations |
Richard Schwartz |
Liu, Chang |
Blow-Up For the 1D Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation With Point Nonlinearity |
Walter Strauss |
On Some Variants of the Gauss Circle Problem |
Jeffrey Hoffstein |
Existence and Uniqueness Results for Minimal Surfaces |
Nicolaos Kapouleas |
Topics in Combinatorics, From Probability to Geometry |
Richard Kenyon |