Independent Study (MATH 1970) - Research with Faculty
If you are interested in the opportunity to do research with a faculty member, the math department offers an "independent study" or "honors conference" course. This course allows you to study material that may not be offered in a standard course, at your own pace. A professor of your choice will advise you and grade your work. Start by contacting individual faculty members to inquire on a possible research project. It is best to approach the professor you'd like to advise your independent study the semester before you want to take the course. You should discuss your goals for the course, what material or textbooks you'd like to use, and what the professor's expectations.
A summer research program for undergraduate students at ICERM in Providence.
Research outside of Brown
Many universities across the US offer REUs (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) during the summer. The American Mathematical Society maintains a list of REUs that is updated regularly.
BrownConnect SPRINT Awards are a family of programs that support experiential learning by providing students with access to funding and opportunities both on campus and around the world.
Many companies and national labs offer internship opportunities for undergraduate students. SIAM maintains a vast list of internship and job opportunities.