
Sidney Frank Life Sciences Building

The Sidney Frank Hall for Life Sciences houses labs, research equipment, and administrative spaces for faculty, students and staff in the departments of Neuroscience and Mollecular Biology, Cellular Biology, and Biochemistry. The building offers a large common area, conference rooms, and the 99-seat Marcuvitz Auditorium for classes and lectures. On the third floor, the Neuroscience Graduate Program has a classroom specifically dedicated to the first year core courses and an adjacent graduate student office space with a computer and work station for each first year student.

Laboratories for Molecular Medicine

The Laboratories for Molecular Medicine Building is located at 70 Ship St and is devoted to research in genetics, genomics, proteomics, structural biology, pharmacology, and pathology. The open floor plan of the facility promotes collaboration among scientists and provides the context in which biomedical research will ultimately translate into the tools for clinical care. The facility is within a few blocks of the new Warren Albert Medical School building and the major research buildings of Woman & Infants Hospital and Rhode Island Hospital. The Laboratories for Molecular Medicine house Genomics, Transgenics, Proteomics, Bioimaging, and Molecular Pathology Facilities. Faculty in the Neuroscience; Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry; Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology and Biotechnology; and Molecular Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Departments are located in the Laboratories for Molecular Medicine.

Biomedical Center

The Biomedical Center is located at 171 Meeting St immediately adjacent to the Sidney Frank Life Sciences Building. This building houses research laboratories and the Flow Cytometry Facility. Faculty in Microbiology and Immunology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Molecular Pharmacology, Physiology and Biotechnology Departments are located in the Biomedical Center.

Sciences Library

Brown faculty, students, and staff have access to both print and electronic resources at the Sciences Library. The print collection supports study and research in the fields of medicine, psychology, neuroscience, environmental science, biology, chemistry, geology, physics, engineering, computer science, and pure and applied mathematics. Within the Sciences Library, the Friedman Study Center is a student study space staffed by library and technology experts. The Study Center has wireless connectivity, a café, seminar rooms to support group projects, individual study spaces, multimedia terminals and offers one-on-one assistance, individual and group orientations, and in-depth training.

Flow Cytometry and Sorting Facility

The Flow Cytometry and Sorting Facility performs flow cytometry based analysis and sorting for Brown University researchers. The facility has a 3-laser, 15-parameter BD FACSAria for flow sorting applications. The Brown Genomics Core Facility also has a BD FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer.

Genomics Core

The Genomics Core provides modern state-of-the-art genomics and proteomics equipment to Brown University researchers, as well as assistance in experimental design, trouble shooting and data analysis. The Core houses the following equipment: a Typhoon 9410 Variable Mode Imager, ABI 7900 Fast Sequence Detection Instruments for Realtime qPCR, BD FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer, AXON GenePix4000B Scanner, SpectraMax M5 Microplate Reader, Beckman Optima Max Ultracentrifuge, Odyssey Infrared Imaging System for Fluorescent Western Scanning, Nanodrop NH 1000, and Agilent Bioanalyzer.

Leduc Bioimaging Facility

The Leduc Bioimaging Facility provides equipment and training dedicated to high-resolution imaging in the life sciences. The facility includes a Transmission Electron Microscope, a Scanning Electron Microscope, two Fluorescence Microscopes, a Fluorescence Stereomicroscope, three Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopes, and software for image analysis. The facility also maintains equipment for sample preparation, including a critical point dryer, sputter coater, and microtomes for ultrathin sectioning.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Facility

The MRI Research Facility provides infrastructure and support to facilitate research and educational activities using magnetic resonance imaging technology. The centerpiece of the Facility is a state-of-the-art research dedicated Siemens 3 Tesla TIM Trio. The scanner is equipped with 32 receiver channels for significant gains in signal-to-noise ratio and acquisition speed. The MRI Research Facility is a resource available to both Brown University researchers and those at Brown affiliated hospital.

NSF/EPSCoR Proteomics Core Facility

The Proteomics Shared Resource Facility’s mission is to provide well-maintained, state-of-the-art instrumentation and fundamental proteomics expertise to the Brown University and Rhode Island-ESPCoR scientific communities. The Proteomics Facility has a strong committment to be at the leading edge of current and developing technologies and provides consultation on their application.

Carney Institute for Brain Science

The Robert J. & Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science is committed to supporting research and facilitating collaborations in brain science across the Brown University community. A top priority of the institute is to build on our collective successes in generating funding for brain science and strengthening departments.