For Providers

New! Download and use our Infection Tracking Log, which helps nursing centers to digitize, link, and visually map infections.


If you’re a healthcare provider visiting the Q&I site, it’s safe to assume you share our goal of adopting proven strategies to improve care for older adults.

For providers, that goal often involves creative problem-solving and innovation, despite facing constraints—staffing, reimbursement, and more—that make making and sustaining changes challenging, even when you and your team believe in them.

For Q&I, that goal means partnering with you to determine which interventions to test, how to incorporate them into care delivery, and how to be certain they’re effective.

We collaborate with providers in all settings, regardless of your affiliation. There are numerous ways in which you can work with us. You can:

  • Suggest priority topics or needs for future research
  • Share interventions or best practices that should be tested or spread
  • Volunteer to participate in a funded study
  • Implement interventions, once they are proven effective
  • Refer people you know to us for networking and collaboration
  • Follow our Twitter account @LTC_innovation and News page for updates

Providers find it valuable to implement the innovative practices in our studies and to learn from findings generated by research in Q&I and elsewhere at Brown.

Read some of the research updates that we share with the community on our News page and AHCA/NCAL's Long Term Care Leader blog.