If your case is referred to an Administrative Review Meeting, you can expect a one-on-one meeting with a dean or other administrator. During this meeting you will be asked to provide your account of the incident and any supporting evidence to the reviewer. Reviewers will likely engage you in a discussion about decision-making, responsible behavior, community values and other topics related to your growth and development. Your reviewer will determine if you are responsible for a Code violation and will decide on all community status outcomes and accompanying terms.

If your case is referred to an upper-level hearing (Student Conduct Board Hearing or Administrative Hearing), you can expect a more formal meeting in a conference room or virtual (Zoom) conference room with scripted procedures. Your case administrator will be present for (and may chair) the hearing, along with a panel or an individual administrative hearing officer, and the complainant or a University representative presenting the allegations. The investigator will appear at the hearing to answer questions, and other witnesses may be called. You will be allowed to give an opening statement and a closing statement in addition to answering questions from the hearing body and providing your narrative of events. You may be accompanied by your advisor during the hearing.
