Benefits to family

In addition to a post-mortem examination, including a microscopic view of the tissue, your doctor may advise you to undergo genetic testing and counseling for the familial form of Alzheimer’s Disease. A test is available to detect a gene called APOE4 that is associated with an increased risk of an earlier onse of Alzheimer's Disease. Up to 60% of first degree relatives may have the APOE4, but this does not mean that they will definitely develop AD. While it is true that the role of genetic testing is uncertain, there is a consensus in favor of the test. Researchers generaly agree that identification of the APOE4 genes provides important clues to the mechanisms of the disease, that may lead to treatments in the future. Family members of Alzheimer's Disease patients feel that they might benefit from the test. Talk to your doctor for more information. You can also read more about this topic in the "Genetics Fact Sheet" , available on the Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center (ADEAR) web site.