Students, faculty and staff across Brown played an important role in the development of Brown’s Identity Strategy.
The Identity Strategy has its foundations in the University’s strategic plan, Building on Distinction: A New Plan for Brown. This plan was completed in 2013 after an all-campus inclusive process led by President Christina Paxson.
The strategic plan established the vision and goals to achieve the highest levels of excellence that speak to “who we are” and “what we value.” The messaging, strategies and principles codified in the Operational Plan for Building on Distinction developed in 2015 lie at the foundation of the Identity Strategy. The development of the identity strategy built on these strategic planning processes with further extensive engagement with stakeholders on and off campus and a review of Brown’s positioning among our many audiences.
In alignment with Brown’s strategic priorities, the Identity Strategy brings together resources to support strength in messaging and cohesive visual identity to amplify what sets Brown apart as a leading institution committed to academic excellence.
Through the Brown University Messaging Strategy and Guidelines, we advance a cohesive narrative of academic excellence. We bring together Brown’s many stories from departments, offices and programs using three consistent features of the Brown educational experience that demonstrate what sets Brown apart from our peers: Brown’s educational innovation, Brown’s collaboration and Brown’s impact.
In this context, we talk about the academic rigor of our Open Curriculum; student-centered learning in our graduate and professional programs; how Brown’s spirit of intellectual independence sustains excellence through academic freedom and freedom of expression; and how our social consciousness translates to a commitment to making an impact in the lives of individuals, in communities, in the nation and in the world.
The Brown University Visual Identity Policy and Strategy visually connects individual departments, schools and programs to more than 250 years of academic excellence; a reputation for innovative research, teaching and learning; and a legacy of accomplishments by generations of alumni.
And the Editorial Style Guide and other resources support a commitment to communicating about Brown with clarity, consistency and impact.
All of these elements offer members of the Brown community communicating and engaging on behalf of Brown resurces to help advance Brown’s identity as a leading institution committed to excellence.