Editorial Activities

  • co-Editor-in-Chief, Annals of Applied Probability (2021-2024) ) 
  • Area Editor, Mathematics of Operations Research (2016-2020)
  • Associate Editor
    • American Mathematical Society Student Mathematical Library series (2020--2023)
    • Annals of Probability (2006--2012 and 2021-present)
    • Annals of Applied Probability (2009-2017)
    • Applied Mathematics and Optimization (2019-2023)
    • Communications of the American Mathematical Society (2021-present)
    • Journal of Open Mathematical Problems (2025-)
    • Mathematics of Operations Research (2007-present)
    • Queueing Systems (2008-2020)
    • Sankhya (2023-present)
    • SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics (2018-2020)
    • SIAM Journal of Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS) (2021-present)
    • Stochastic Models (2019-present)
    • Stochastic Analysis and Applications (2002-2010)
  • Guest Editor, Special Issue of Queueing Systems on "Stochastic Networks" (2010)
  • Corresponding Editor, Bhavana Mathematics Magazine. (2020-present)