Stochastic Networks Meetings

Over the last two decades there has emerged a tradition of meetings that bring together mathematicians and applied researchers who share an interest in stochastic network models.  The meetings began with the workshop organized by Peter Glynn and Tom Kurtz in Madison Wisconsin in 1987, and have now become a biannual meeting.  This page contains links to past meetings, and also lists the members of the steering committee that has been formed to select and/or solicit the venue and organizer for the next meeting. 

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics graciously hosts a Stochastic Networks Conference Email Group through which conference announcements are disseminated. Interested parties can sign up and manage their preferences at


UW Madison (US) 1987 U Minneapolis (US) March 1994
Edinburgh (UK) August 1995 UW Madison (US) June 2000
Stanford, Palo Alto (US) June 2002 Montreal (Canada) July 2004
UIUC, Urbana-Champaign (US), June 2006 Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris (France) June 2008
Newton Institute, Cambridge (UK) March 2010 MIT, Boston (US), June 2012
Amsterdam (Netherlands) June 23-27, 2014 UCSD, San Diego (US), June 20-24, 2016

Edinburgh ICMS (UK) June 25-29, 2018

Cornell, Ithaca (US), 2022, June 20-24, 2022 
KTH (Stockholm, Sweden) July 1-5, 2024 UChicago Booth (US), June 15-19, 2026

Local Organizing Committee for the 2026 U Chicago Meeting: 

Baris Ata, John Birge, Rene Caldenty, Amy Ward (Chair)

Scientific Committee for the 2026 U Chicago Meeting: 


Local Organizing Committee for the 2024 KTH Stockholm Meeting: 

Henrik Hult,  Pierre Nyquist, Alexandre Proutiere (Chair), Fiona Skerman

Scientific Committee for the 2024 KTH, Stockholm Meeting: 

Rami Atar, Sophie Hautphenne, Henrik Hult,  Rouba Ibrahim, Pierre Nyquist, Alexandre Proutiere (Chair), Kavita Ramanan, Devavrat Shah, Fiona Skerman, R. Srikant, Bert Zwart

At-large members of the steering committee of the Stochastic Networks Meetings: 
Francois Baccelli
Kavita Ramanan
R. Srikant
Ruth Williams (Co-Chair)
Bert Zwart

Organizers of Stochastic Networks Meetings: 
Jim Dai (past organizer)
Alexandre Proutiere (present organizer)
Amy Ward (future organizer)