Pompeii: Bridging the Past with Present Day
Presented by ARCH0320 Media in Archaeology, or Archaeology in Media?, Spring 2011

Classical Providence: landscapes, monuments, rediscovery
A short film by Harry Anastopulos and Reem Yusuf

What is Archaeology?
A documentary by Juliana McKittrick and Aaron Rosenthal

Patrick Dougherty: A peripatetic video
A short film by Megan Goetsch and Christopher Witmore

The Rhode Island Irish Famine Memorial: A peripatetic video
A documentary by Michelle Charest

468 Wickenden: Tour of a House Museum
A documentary by Juliana McKittrick

Highlights from the Vorotan Project 2006 (See more about The Vorotan Project)
A documentary produced by Elissa Faro

Reflections on The Archaeology of College Hill, 2007 (See more about Archaeology of College Hill)
Student experiences at the FBC, fall 2007. Produced by Katherine Marino and Michelle Charest