The Brown|RISD Dual Degree Program draws on the complementary strengths of two world-class institutions and offers students the opportunity to pursue collaborative and multidisciplinary work. Students interested in combining film and video with screen or playwriting, photography with anthropology or urban studies, sculpture with music or performance, art and design with the sciences, theatre with glass, and many other unique combinations. RISD and Brown offer different but complementary strengths: RISD offers intensive, specialized education in all categories of the arts and design; Brown offers comprehensive concentrations in the humanities, social sciences, physical, and life sciences. There are many possibilities – and some have yet to be explored!
During the five year program, students develop and integrate diverse spheres of academic and artistic interests. Students will choose a concentration at Brown and a major at RISD and receive a Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) degree or, with careful planning, a Bachelor of Science (Sc.B.) from Brown and a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree from RISD. Prospective students must apply and be accepted to both institutions and then be approved by a separate Brown|RISD Dual Degree admissions committee. A minimum of one year in residence at each school is expected of the students.