Mayor Taveras Congratulates 2013 Summer Interns

August 16, 2013

Mayor Angel Taveras recognized and thanked 10 students for their work to improve quality of life for Providence residents this summer. Program participants included high school, college and post-graduate students who worked in a variety of city departments.

Providence's Mayoral Fellows received a stipend for their participation made possible through a $10,000 donation by Cox Charities. Providence also hosted several Brown University undergraduate students who participated in a new program called "Impact Providence."

"I thank this talented group of Mayoral Fellows and summer interns for their service to the City of Providence," said Mayor Angel Taveras. "We are grateful for the support of Cox Charities, Brown University, and local organizations that generously supported the Mayoral Fellows program and made this work possible."

In addition to working on their specific projects, Providence's summer interns participated in a range of city event, including volunteering at monthly My Time with the Mayor sessions and attending Providence City Council meetings. Additionally, Providence's summer interns enjoyed twice-weekly brown-bag lunches with speakers from city and local government, including Lt. Gov. Elizabeth Roberts, Economic Development Director Jim Bennett, City Archivist Paul Campbell and others.

"Cox is pleased to support the City of Providence Mayoral Fellows internship program," said Jennifer Bramley, vice president of government and public affairs at Cox Communications. "This program is truly a unique opportunity as it allows students to learn civic responsibility and give back to the community."

"Brown University is committed to partnering with the City of Providence and the organizations that work hard every day to improve the quality of life for its residents," said Marisa Quinn, vice president of public affairs and university relations for Brown University. "Our Impact Providence program is designed not only to provide our undergraduate students with unique service-learning opportunities in the community but also to provide real value to important local organizations and the causes they serve."

Providence's summer interns worked on projects across city departments and organizations, including the Department of Planning and Development, the Healthy Communities Office, the Department of Art, Culture + Tourism, and the Office of Sustainability.
