
3 PhD Theses Defended in December 2021

December 20, 2021
Celinda Kofron et al
Thesis Defenses

Lindsay Schneider, PhD
Tripathi Lab

Development of molecular diagnostic and microfluidic methods based on molecular transport and reactions

Lindsay has been an amazing asset to the Tripathi lab. She is always there when you need help, advice or support in your research and in life. She has been an excellent mentor to all of us, especially helping us navigate through graduate school, and any professional dilemma. Lindsay's excellence shines through her numerous publications, teaching assistant positions, and service to the BME program. Her long list of achievements is one we can only hope emulate. We wish her luck in her next steps and know her future will be bright. Congratulations, Dr. Schneider! - Tripathi Lab


Harry Cramer III, PhD
Franck Lab

Extracting Primary Mechanical Neural Cell Injury Thresholds Following High-Rate Mechanical Deformations

Harry Cramer joined Christian Franck’s lab in 2015 as a Master’s student in Biomedical Engineering and joined the PhD program the following year. Harry’s research focused on primary cell injury of neuronal tissue following high strain rate deformations using laser induced cavitation injury models. Harry’s knowledge of cavitation, optical setups, microscopy, immunostaining (especially in three-dimensional models), and his ability to frame mechanical questions in a biological context are just a few of his many research strengths. Harry has always been a thoughtful, positive, and friendly person to have in the lab, and his ability to turn any mistake or misfortune into a joke and learning opportunity is unrivaled. He is a wonderful friend and an excellent mentor to every new lab recruit. He always takes time to come up with thoughtful suggestions for others’ research problems and has an amazing ability to ask leading questions to help guide projects in a meaningful direction. Harry’s time in the Franck lab included many seasons of intramural sports, walks and trips to the dog park with his dog, Kaylee, plenty of bread baking, a move to UW-Madison and time spent designing and establishing a functioning lab space there, and endless self-effacing jokes. Harry has always been loved and respected by his labmates, and while the Franck lab is sure to miss his wisdom and wit, past Franck lab members could not be prouder of his accomplishments and are very happy to introduce Dr. Harry C. Cramer, III, PhD. - Lauren Brunner and Mark Scimone


Robert Gutierrez, PhD
Darling Lab

Adipose-derived stem cell microtissues during mesenchymal condensation and chondrogenesis

Robert has always been a tremendously positive presence in the lab. He is a constant inspiration to keep achieving and persevering, no matter what. He is always willing to listen and share burdens, and is quick to remind us all to keep perspective and forge ahead. He will bring his positive energy and drive to succeed everywhere he goes - everyone who has a chance to work with him is fortunate. All the best to Dr Robert Gutierrez as he takes on the world! - Hetal Marble

Bobert, thank you for being the best cohort mate, labmate, and friend. I admire your ability to not take life too seriously while also having the most responsibilities on your plate. I miss running into you in the lab at all hours of the day and night where you always made me laugh, distracted me from my work, and captured all of my worst moments in photos. Your journey to this PhD is an absolute inspiration and you deserve everything you have achieved and more! - Megan Dempsey