5th Year Master's Program

Brown undergraduates with concentrations in engineering (all disciplines, not just BME), physics, applied math, or computer science can apply for the 5th Year Master's Program in Biomedical Engineering.

Students with degrees in the biological sciences require documented completion of coursework in these quantitative areas to be considered for the program. Students without this background, who are interested in applied sciences, should consider our sister program in Biotechnology.


What are the benefits of the 5th Year Program?

  • You may be able to accelerate completion of your program and finish in one year.
    • You may request that up to 2 advanced level (1000, 2000) biology or engineering courses taken as a Brown undergraduate be applied towards your Master's degree. This can lower the number of courses you will need to take and will lower the number of courses that the Registrar charges you. 
    • Learn more about tuition and fees. Important Notes:
      • The Grad School's tuition rates are based on a 4-course per semester schedule, but our 5th program averages a 3-course per semester schedule.

      • The BME Master's Program does not follow the pay scale for the Engineering Master's program (it's cheaper!).

  • Continue an ongoing project i.e. an honors thesis toward publication or a design project toward commercialization

    Companies our recent 5th Year Alums have been hired by (2014-2017):



    Meet some of our 5th year alums:

    Admission Requirements

    • Open only to students currently enrolled at Brown. To be eligible for a 5th year, you must apply before you complete your undergraduate studies, but admission can be deferred once accepted into the program.
    • Must meet or exceed requirements for undergraduate concentration in engineering at Brown.
    • Do not have to take GREs.
    • Must fill out graduate school application, 2 letters of recommendation, provide a personal statement, CV/Resume, and indicate interest in Biomedical Engineering 5th Year Program.
      • For students intending to complete ScM Thesis (Research or Design): One of the 2 letters of recommendation must be from a Brown faculty accepting the student into his/her lab (research advisor) or supporting the student's design project (design advisor) with a strong commitment to act as the student’s mentor.
      • A supplemental form requesting undergraduate course transfer and a proposed course of study must also be included with the application.
    • Students intending to complete ScM Thesis (Research or Design) should choose a Brown faculty member to be their advisor before start of the program.

    Graduation Requirements

    • Students can choose from 3 tracks:
      • Master of Science Research Track [ScM- Thesis (Research)]

        • Must complete a minimum of 8 tuition units.
          • up to 2 advanced level courses taken as an undergraduate can be applied toward a master's degree even if they are used in fulfillment of undergraduate concentration
          • up to 3 courses can be independent research credits
          • at least 5 should be structured (non-independent study) advanced-level (1000 or 2000 level) courses
            • at least 2 courses in biological topics
            • at least 2 courses in engineering topics
        • Must complete ethics training module.
        • Must receive a grade of B or better, courses must be taken for a grade rather than credit/no credit.
        • Must choose a thesis advisor prior to entering the master's program.
        • Must present work as a seminar and pass final oral examination by Thesis Committee.
          • The Thesis Committee is jointly selected by the student and the advisor. It consists of the thesis advisor and two other Brown faculty (one must have a primary faculty appointment in the School of Engineering, one with a primary faculty appointment in the Division of Biology and Medicine, and one listed as a primary faculty member in the Center for Biomedical Engineering).
        • Must submit final thesis according to the Master's Thesis Guidelines.
      • Master of Science Design Track [ScM- Thesis (Design)]

        • Must complete a minimum of 8 tuition units.
          • up to 2 advanced level courses taken as an undergraduate can be applied toward a master's degree even if they are used in fulfillment of undergraduate concentration
          • ENGN1930L and ENGN1931L: Biomedical Engineering Innovation and Design I and II are required
            • 5th year students who have already taken these courses for concentration credit can substitute independent research courses or more rigorous advanced courses, per DGS approval.
          • up to 1 course can be independent research
          • at least 5 should be structured (non-independent study) advanced-level (1000 or 2000 level) courses
            • at least 2 courses in biological topics
            • at least 2 courses in engineering topics
            • at most 1 design based course
        • Must complete ethics training module.
        • Must receive a grade of B or better, courses must be taken for a grade rather than credit/no credit.
        • May work in a team up to 4 students.
        • Must present prototype for critique and pass final oral examination by Thesis Committee.
          • The Thesis Committee is jointly selected by the student and the advisor. It consists of the thesis advisor and two other Brown faculty (one must have a primary faculty appointment in the School of Engineering, one with a primary faculty appointment in the Division of Biology and Medicine, and one listed as a primary faculty member in the Center for Biomedical Engineering). It is also encouraged that one panel member have a design, industry, or clinical background.
        • Each team member must submit final thesis according to the Master's Thesis Guidelines.
      • Master of Science Non-Thesis Track [ScM - Non-Thesis]   

        • Must complete a minimum of 8 tuition units.
          • up to 2 advanced level courses taken as an undergraduate can be applied toward a master's degree even if they are used in fulfillment of undergraduate concentration
          • no independent research credits
          • all 8 should be structured (non-independent study) advanced-level (1000 or 2000 level) courses
            • at least 3 courses in biological topics
            • at least 3 courses in engineering topics
        • Must receive a grade of B or better, courses must be taken for a grade rather than credit/no credit.


    Typical 5th Year Program Timeline: