ScM Program Overviews

Program Requirements

The following list is an overview of the requirements for the 3 program tracks for the Master of Science Degree in Biomedical Engineering. For more specific details, please refer to the Graduate Program Guidelines.


Master of Science Research Track [ScM- Thesis (Research)]

Typical Full-Time Research Program Timeline:

  • Must complete a minimum of 8 tuition units.
    • up to 3 courses can be independent research credits
    • at least 5 should be structured (non-independent study) advanced-level (1000 or 2000 level) courses
      • at least 2 courses in biological topics
      • at least 2 courses in engineering topics
  • Must complete ethics training module.
  • Must receive a grade of B or better, courses must be taken for a grade rather than credit/no credit.
  • Must choose a thesis advisor in the first month of the first semester.
  • Must carry out independent research through two academic years.
  • Must present work as a seminar and pass final oral examination by Thesis Committee.
    • The Thesis Committee is jointly selected by the student and the advisor. It consists of the thesis advisor and two other Brown faculty (one must have a primary faculty appointment in the School of Engineering, one with a primary faculty appointment in the Division of Biology and Medicine, and one listed as a primary faculty member in the Center for Biomedical Engineering).
  • Must submit final thesis according to the Master's Thesis Guidelines.


Master of Science Design Track [ScM- Thesis (Design)]

Typical Full-Time Design Program Timeline:

  • Must complete a minimum of 8 tuition units.
    • ENGN1930L and ENGN1931L: Biomedical Engineering Innovation and Design I and II are required
    • up to 1 course can be independent research
    • at least 5 should be structured (non-independent study) advanced-level (1000 or 2000 level) courses
      • at least 2 courses in biological topics
      • at least 2 courses in engineering topics
      • at most 1 design based course
  • Must complete ethics training module.
  • Must receive a grade of B or better, courses must be taken for a grade rather than credit/no credit.
  • May work in a team up to 4 students.
  • Must work on design project through two academic years.
  • Must present prototype for critique and pass final oral examination by Thesis Committee.
    • The Thesis Committee is jointly selected by the student and the advisor. It consists of the thesis advisor and two other Brown faculty (one must have a primary faculty appointment in the School of Engineering, one with a primary faculty appointment in the Division of Biology and Medicine, and one listed as a primary faculty member in the Center for Biomedical Engineering). It is also encouraged that one panel member have a design, industry, or clinical background.
  • Each team member must submit final thesis according to the Master's Thesis Guidelines.


Master of Science Non-Thesis Track [ScM - Non-Thesis]

Typical Full-Time Non-Thesis Program Timeline:

  • Must complete a minimum of 8 tuition units.
    • no independent research credits
    • all 8 should be structured (non-independent study) advanced-level (1000 or 2000 level) courses
      • at least 3 courses in biological topics
      • at least 3 courses in engineering topics
  • Must receive a grade of B or better, courses must be taken for a grade rather than credit/no credit.
  • Time to completion can be less than two academic years depending on the preference of the student.

Important notes for all tracks:

  • Credit for graduate level courses taken at Brown or elsewhere is not accepted or transferable.
  • Do not register to audit a course. If you do, you will be charged for the course. An audited course does not count towards your degree.
  • Do not register for BIOL 2230 or BIOL 2240: Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology Seminar Course. If you register for BIOL 2230 or 2240, you will be charged for the course, and it will not count towards your degree.
  • A master's student taking 2 or more courses per semester is considered a full-time student. Any student taking 1 course per semester is considered a part-time student for that semester. Part-time status can have implications for student loan repayments and visa status of international students.

    Important 2024-2025 Dates and Links for Incoming 2-year Masters Students

    Registration for 1st semester 9/1/2024
    Finalize 1st semester schedule (shopping period ends) 9/17/2024
    Finalize choice of thesis advisor 10/1/2024
    Registration for 2nd semester 11/4/2024-11/15/2024
    Classes of the 2nd semester begin 1/22/2025
    Finalize 2nd semester schedule (shopping period ends) 2/4/2025
    Registration for 3rd semester 4/16/2025-4/23/2025


    Important 2024-2025 Dates for Concluding 2-year Masters Students


    Finalize semester schedule (shopping period ends) 9/1/2024
    Registration for final semester 11/4/2024-11/15/2024
    Classes of the 2nd semester begin 1/22/2025
    Confirm thesis committee or critique panel with Masters Program Director 2/7/2025
    Finalize semester schedule (shopping period ends) 2/4/2025
    Schedule defense 2/28/2025
    Submit written thesis to committee or panel Two weeks before YOUR defense
    Apply to graduate 5/1/2025
    Submit thesis to grad school 5/1/2025


    Before coming to Brown

    • Admitted Students Guide
    • Finding a research advisor:
      • Any of our core faculty or affiliated faculty can be a research advisor. The core faculty page can be sorted by research interests.
      • Descriptions of projects recruiting Masters students are available from the Masters Program Director.
      • Students can also search on Researchers @ Brown for other research interests.
      • Students are encouraged to reach out to faculty ASAP to inquire about availability in their lab and setting up an interview.


    Beyond our Academic Programming