Brown has a strong and diverse group of number theorists and algebraic geometers whose work encompasses a wide variety of areas, including especially arithmetic geometry and analytic number theory. Arithmetic geometry is the study of number theoretic problems via a combination of techniques from algebraic number theory and differential and algebraic geometry; recent faculty research projects include Diophantine equations, elliptic curves, special values of zeta and L-functions, and motives, and motivic cohomology. Analytic number theory, especially the theory of modular and automorphic forms, is also a hot topic at Brown. In this subject, number theoretic quantities are encoded into analytic functions, and then methods from real and complex analysis and representation theory are used to analyze the functions and extract further number theoretic information. In addition to the regular faculty members whose main research interests are in the number theory or closely related fields, there are frequent visitors and a weekly number theory/algebraic geometry seminar as well as a graduate student seminar.
Participating Faculty
Dan Abramovich, Professor, Ph.D. Harvard, 1991
Madeline Brandt, Tamarkin Assistant Professor, Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2020
Juliette Bruce, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2020
Melody Chan, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. UC Berkeley, 2012
Charles Daly, Tamarkin Assistant Professor, Ph.D. University of Maryland, 2021
Brendan Hassett, Professor, Ph.D. Harvard, 1996
Jeffrey Hoffstein, Professor, Ph.D. MIT, 1978
Sachi Hashimoto, Tamarkin Assistant Professor, Boston University, 2022
Juneyhuk Jung, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Princeton, 2013
Alan Landman, Professor, Ph.D. Berkeley, 1967
Eric Larson, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. MIT, 2018
Stephen Lichtenbaum, Professor (Emeritus), Ph.D. Harvard, 1964
Jonathan D. Lubin, Professor (Emeritus), Ph.D. Harvard, 1963
Michael I. Rosen, Professor (Emeritus), Ph.D. Princeton, 1963
Joseph H. Silverman, Professor, Ph.D. Harvard, 1982
Isabel Vogt, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. MIT, 2019
Zhining Wei, Tamarkin Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University, 2023
Peter Zenz, Tamarkin Assistant Professor, Ph.D. McGill University 2022
The Brown Algebra/Number Theory Seminar meets from 4:00-5:00 PM on Monday afternoons when school is in session. A wide range of speakers is featured each semester. Tea is served in the Davis Room at 3:30 PM before the talk.
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Calendar