Radioactive material is any material (solid, liquid, or gas) that emits radiation spontaneously. The purpose of the radioactive material safety program is to ensure that unsealed primary vials and sealed sources are purchased, used, stored and disposed of correctly. Brown personnel wishing to have radioactive material must fill out an Application for Authorization to Use Radioactive Material, which will be reviewed by the university Radiation Safety Officer and approved by the Brown University Radiation Safety Committee prior to use. An approved authorization is valid for four years.
To learn more about ionizing radiation, click the ‘Compliance’ and ‘Resources’ tabs to the left.
Radiation Safety Manual
Brown University’s Radiation Safety Manual describes the requirements for the use of ionizing radiation. The manual assists laboratory supervisors in complying with State of Rhode Island Regulations.
Radiation Safety Committee
The Brown University Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) serves as the official governing body for faculty, staff and students on all matters relating to the use of ionizing radiation in research and teaching. The RSC is responsible for overseeing research and teaching authorizations that use ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, to ensure conformity with the Rhode Island Department of Health, Rhode Island Code of Regulations, Title 216, Chapter 40, Subchapter 20-Radiation and the University's Radioactive Material License.
Annually, meetings are scheduled the second Wednesday of February, May, September and November. Submit any requests for new authorizations or amendments to the university Radiation Safety Officer, two weeks prior to the scheduled RSC meeting.