251 Bowen Street

This guest house contains ten bedrooms, four shared bathrooms, living room, den, large dining room, and a fully-equipped kitchen. One guest room with a private bath is available for those requesting such accommodations. All other guest rooms share bathrooms. Due to the communal nature of this building, no overnight guests are allowed. Wireless internet is also provided.

The house is located on the northeast side of campus near the corner of Thayer and Brook Streets. The house is air-conditioned during the summer, and all bedrooms are completely furnished: bed linens, towels, and local telephone service are included.

During their stay, guests are responsible for cleaning their rooms, and laundering their linens (on-site facilities are provided). Common areas of the house and shared bathrooms are cleaned weekly by our custodial staff. While we do furnish visiting scholar units and provide an initial set up of basic items (e.g. trash bag, dish soap, etc.) guests are responsible for supplying these items once depleted.

Pictures for sample purposes only. Individual units may vary.

Apartment Type

Room 1
Rooms 2-10

Apartment Cost

$1,417.50 per month
$1,207.50 per month