A University administrator will meet one-on-one with group representatives (and sometimes complainants, witnesses, and other members of the group) to review matters involving prohibited conduct that do not involve possible separation from the University. Repeated offenses of any kind, however, may result in a determination that the matter should be resolved through higher-level disciplinary proceedings, from which separation from the University is a possible outcome. In general, matters involving undergraduates will be handled by designated Administrative Reviewers within Campus Life; matters involving graduate students will be handled by Administrative Reviewers from the Graduate School; and matters involving medical students will be handled by Administrative Reviewers from the Medical School.

Procedures. The Case Administrator will notify, in writing, the representative(s) of the student group of the allegation(s). The student group has the opportunity to review all evidence upon request prior to the meeting, to prepare a response, and to be heard regarding the allegations. The Administrative Reviewer will decide if the student group is responsible for violation(s) of the Code of Student Conduct.

Outcomes. If the student group is found responsible, the Administrative Reviewer will impose an outcome, which may include a community status of probation and or/terms (see Outcomes). When determining an appropriate outcome, Administrative Reviewers will consider the nature of the incident and its context as well as any prior disciplinary findings and outcomes. Within five (5) days of the conclusion of the review, the Case Administrator will notify the student group’s leader(s) in writing of the decisions in the case.

For more information about procedures involving allegations against student groups, please see the Student Conduct Procedures for Student Groups