The News and Editorial team in the Office of University Communications manages Brown’s interview studio, which is equipped for broadcast-quality video and audio transmission.
The facility is on the first floor of the University’s space at One Davol Square in Providence’s Jewelry District, adjacent to offices for the School for Professional Studies. The Office of University Communications has a reserved parking spot for interviewees in the parking lot near the front door.
Television / Video Interviews
The studio is home to a satellite uplink and Ready-Cam system used for live or taped television interviews with both domestic and international media outlets. The system is operated remotely by VideoLink in Newton, Mass.
The video set includes a camera, built-in lighting, lapel microphones, earbud speakers, a monitor and a large, programmable video screen backdrop. A selection of standard Brown University backdrop images is available, and custom backdrops can be designed with advance notice. An adjustable-height chair is positioned for the interviewee, with its spot marked on the floor. The studio is designed for one-person interviews only.
All equipment on set — lights, microphones, cameras (tilt, swing, focus, zoom, shot framing) — is operated remotely by technicians in VideoLink’s operations center.
Audio Interviews
We also maintain a Musicam RoadRunner CODEC and ISDN line for radio interviews, live or taped in advance. The CODEC handles common bit rates of 128 kbps (U.S.) and 64 kbps (international).
Arranging an Interview
The Office of University Communications offers use of the broadcast studio as a shared University resource — there is no charge to any member of the Brown community for use of the facility.
While we use the studio predominantly to facilitate interviews with Brown faculty and staff members who are serving as expert sources for external news media, we welcome any requests for studio time for the purpose of University business or educational opportunities. Affiliated hospitals may request use of the facility for purposes that involve staff who have Brown University appointments.
Staff from News and Editorial have after-hours card access to the building, which is locked on evenings and weekends, and to the first-floor suites, which require card access for entry.
To arrange for an interview, contact our news clerk, Jose Garcia, at (401) 863-5450 or [email protected] — or another member of the News and Editorial team. Our office will staff the interview to ensure that the equipment is properly configured and that connections are established. Following the interview, our staff will secure the broadcast studio.