Appropriate Use of the BIG

End User License Agreement
Brown University's Office of Genreal Counsel has provided an end user license agreement to which users agree during registration to the Brown Image Gallery (BIG). Please review the terms of the agreement.

Appropriate Use of Assets
Brown’s policy on the “Utilization of University Resources and Assets” states, “All employees share in the responsibility to safeguard and preserve the assets and resources of the University, particularly those for which the employee is directly responsible.”

  • Additionally, “University employees may not use such resources (including any person, money, or property) under their control or direction or in their custody, for personal benefit or gain, or for the benefit or gain of any other individual or outside organization. Equipment or materials purchased with Brown funds are the property of Brown University.”
  • Specifically, when it pertains to assets:
    • Employees must not show willful disregard for University assets or property
    • Employees should report improper care or use of University assets/property or unsafe physical conditions to their supervisor, manager, or to the Insurance Office at 401-863-9481
  • Departments are strictly prohibited from gifting or selling surplus materials directly to Brown faculty, staff, students, and other individuals.”

FERPA Regulations on Ethnicity and Gender
Describing assets based on the perceived ethnicities or genders of subjects is not only inappropriate for the BIG, but also illegal according to FERPA. These terms are only appropriate when they are explicitly a part of a group's or individual's self-identification. For example, any candid or posed shots of students should not describe the subjects based on their perceived ethnicity or gender. However, assets depicting an event for or representation of an organization, such as Women In Business or Native Americans at Brown, may use the organization's name in the tag. The keyword "diversity" is allowed, but please use it conservatively.