Swearer Center CAB Awards recognize impactful community organizations

February 5, 2024

Each year, the Swearer Center's Community Advisory Board (CAB) invites individuals and groups in Rhode Island to submit nominations (including self-nominations) for three awards recognizing organizational work. The CAB Awards aim to highlight and support the work of agencies in the public and social sectors that are moving the needle in key areas. 

Spotlighting our 2023 CAB Award Winners

The CAB is a diverse group of community stakeholders that advises Swearer Center staff on implementing the Center's community engagement practices. In August 2023, the recipients of the 2023 CAB Awards were announced at the Center's monthly Community Partner Network meeting.

Through nominations from community members, the CAB identified one awardee in each of these three key areas:

Community Joy and Resilience - Anyhow Studio
Anyhow Studio is a community ceramics studio located in the Valley Arts District neighborhood of Providence. It is described as a center for community building for many queer, trans and BIPOC people who are interested in starting their journeys in clay. One nominator shared, "What's been most special about my experience in the studio is the feeling of support, camaraderie and encouragement for each member's creative journeys, even if our backgrounds and approaches to pottery and art are very different." Through its offerings, and programs like the QT/BIPOC scholarship, Anyhow Studio lives out its values of education, community, allyship, financial accessibility, and environmental commitment.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racist Practice - Camp RYSE 
The mission of RYSE (Refugee Youth Solidarity through Education) is to foster literacy, confidence and community among K-12 refugee youth in Rhode Island through hands-on, joyful summer learning and leadership development. Sunni Ryan, Executive Director, emphasizes how "the Camp pillars of joy, community and leadership exist in how we have junior counseling positions that are former campers. That pipeline of supporting and growing leaders within the community to support and lead from within. This pan-refugee community of different and shared experiences has a safe space in camp." Annually, RYSE enrolls 70-120 refugee youth in Camp RYSE, a five-week summer camp focused on literacy and STEM enrichment. Many campers are newly resettled in Providence, often having experienced interrupted education. As one nominator notes, "Creating a welcoming, education-centered environment led by a diverse staff results in many campers returning to participate year after year. Often, older campers join the staff and leadership team, further benefiting the camp with their experience and passion." Annually, RYSE enrolls 70-120 refugee youth in Camp RYSE, a five-week summer camp focused on literacy and STEM enrichment. Many campers are newly resettled in Providence, often having experienced interrupted education. As one nominator notes, "Creating a welcoming, education-centered environment led by a diverse staff results in many campers returning to participate year after year. Often, older campers join the staff and leadership team, further benefiting the camp with their experience and passion."

Work to Address the Needs of the Most Vulnerable Rhode Islanders - Youth Action Board (YAB)
The Rhode Island Youth Action Board (YAB) is a group of 13-24-year-olds with lived experience and their allies who work collaboratively with Youth In Action to discuss and create sustainable solutions to end youth homelessness. Since starting its work in 2020, the impact and influence of the YAB have grown significantly. The YAB has secured funding through the Consolidated Homeless Fund and the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD has committed to investing $3M in the first two years of this project and $1.7M in perpetuity, all of which are being directed and defined by the young people of the YAB.

With questions or to learn more about partnering with the Swearer Center, reach out to us at [email protected].