Check out the resident-run Instagram @brownneuroresidency. Our residents enjoy each other's company both in and out of the hospital. The department provides funding for monthly get-togethers outside of the hospital where the activities are chosen by the residents.
24/7 in-house Support
There is 24/7 support from our Neurovascular Center's Advance Practice Providers (NVC-APPs) where each code stroke is attended by both a neurology resident and an APP.
The 5th floor of our APC (Ambulatory Patient Care) building houses nearly all of our operations: 75% of our faculty offices, the didactics conference room, additional conference space, clinic rooms, the resident lounge and lockers, program directors' offices, and residency coordinator's office.
The Emergency Department houses our CT scanners, MRI with RAPID capabilities, and neurointerventional neuroradiology suite all within a 1 minute walk or less from each other. All facilities are operational 24/7. This allows code strokes to run efficiently.
Free Public Transport
Using Brown University-issued ID's, residents have free and unrestricted use of the state-wide municipal bus-system, Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA), and the campus-wide Brown University shuttle (BUS)
EMG Rotation
Our residents do eight consecutive weeks of EMG/NCS in their PGY-3 year.
Twice a day academic conferences
Twice a day at 8am and 12pm, residents come together for lecture or conference. Because residents are entirely based at Rhode Island Hospital, these conferences provide an excellent opportunity to take a break from the work day, sit down with others, and learn a bit of neurology. To maintain social distance in the COVID-19 era, these conferences are also available by video conference.
Code Stroke Simulation
Twice a year, in July and April, PGY-2's participate in code stroke simulations at the Simulation Center. They run a code stroke on a professional patient actor in a simulated ER environment with active duty ER physicians and nurses from our Emergency Department. Faculty from Neurology, Interventional Neuroradiology and Emergency Medicine observe the residents remotely on camera. After the code is completed, residents watch how they did and receive feedback from faculty and other residents. In the second half of the year, the cases are designed to be more challenging. Residents complete a survey about the experience at the end of each session.
Financial Support
Residents who have the opportunity to present their research at a regional or national conference are funded for registration, hotel and flight expenses. This is in addition to the $1500 educational allowance each resident receives to attend conference regardless of whether they are presenting. If a resident requires funding for a long-term research project, this may be negotiated directly with the program director and department chair.